It's nearly Summer Vacation Time!
I had hoped that by this time I would be celebrating retirement rather than just Summer Vacation. Oh, well. It could be worse: I could be homeless pushing my shopping cart with all my belongings under the freeway somewhere!
I don't know how much longer I will teach, I only promise to go one year at a time. The big problem is, is that teachers (at least the Salt Lake Valley) no longer get health insurance when they retire! It's great that we have a 30 year retirement but no life time insurance coverage. The Benefits package used to be one of the big reasons people would go into teaching! So, I don't dare retire with the economy the way it is and chance not getting another job to cover costs or provide me with health insurance benefits! Besides, I really like the people I work with, I really do like teaching - it suits me, and I really do love having weekends off and holidays off and 9 weeks in the summer with which I can:

SELL MY "Recycled Products" JEWELRY
(I love this recycling picture since I also use scrap cloth pieces to make beads for jewelry)
Read the email I just received yesterday:
"I stopped by your booth at the Live Green Fair and could kick myself that I didn't buy some of your beautiful jewelry. Are you coming to a fair or show in Davis or Weber County? I could buy some on ebay but I love to see it in person. The pictures on ebay don't really do them justice. They are really stunning. R.G. ~ North Ogden Utah."
I don't know of any craft shows in Davis/Weber County Area. I'd love to visit my old hometown - I used to live on Ogden's 6th Street and about 1300 East - back in the olden days! So why not throw a party?
I love doing home parties! Get a bunch of friends together and I'll come to your house! If you host a party, you receive 10% of all sales to put towards purchase of jewelry for yourself!
But I now have a beautiful Studio/Show room in my home and you are welcome to stop by most every day through the summer. Just call my cell phone:
and tell me when you'd like to drop by - I'm located in Murray, Utah. It is quite close to the Fashion Place Mall! or - email me I we can set up a meeting time!
Well, I'm looking forward to starting the People's Market, June 14th - every Sunday morning through October from 10am to 3pm at the International Peace Gardens, 1000 South and 900 West in Salt Lake City. It is a beautiful, quiet, comfortable, cozy way to shop the craft and food booths - especially if you don't like the hectic, crowded Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings. Then you can take a tour through the stunning gardens of the International Peace Gardens! What a way to spend a beautiful Sunday Morning!