People will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But they'll always remember how you made them feel!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
OMG! Did you just see me on TV?

I guess fame is just my middle name! I have to plug my current FAVORITE TV STATION - Channel 4!
Today at the People's Market all three major TV channels were there. It was amusing watching the camera dudes walk around the market interviewing and filming the goings-on. I happened to see the handsome Channel 4 camera guy just standing a bit from my canopy, perhaps thinking maybe what to do next, so I said something clever like, "Too bad you have to work on such a great day". We talked for a bit, never did I see the camera going but then tonight on TV, every channel did a brief blurb about the People's Market... BUT, only on CHANNEL 4 - there was a brief camera roll of an older, chubby, dark but short-haired lady, wearing a lime green shirt and a coin purse strapped across her chest and talking to some customers and - YES, IT WAS ME!
I was just talking to some customers about my recycled paper and cloth jewelry. I will sign autographs later!
Yes, Kyle, I saw that you got to talk longer on one of the other channels, but really who was cuter?
I hope channel 4 doesn't mind me placing their logo at the top of my blog! It really is to freely advertise their wonderful channel. as they freely advertised for me!
I had a GREAT day: talked to a lot of people. I love talking to young kids. It was a hoot watching them do the sack races, the "carry the egg" race, and the water balloon toss! They were all so adorable and Talented!
I loved talking to the couple from Mexico! The woman was from Chiuahua, and the man from Cabo San Lucas. They bought a newly made cloth bead necklace set. It was made of shimmery black cloth and I added silver colored beads and jet black crystal beads! I just finished it Saturday night!
And Thank You to Sammie and her mother who rode their bicycles all the way from Murray to come see me! Sammie was a student of mine a couple of years ago. The rode from about 6000 South to 1000 South - ON BICYCLES! I had a hard time riding that far in a car!
Thank you to all who have directed people my way. I couldn't count how many customers today said they had seen my necklace on someone and then were told to go to the "People's Market"! Referrals are so good to hear about! Thanks to all of you once more!
This week, no extra fairs or festivals, I'm just going to look forward to next Sunday at the People's Market!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Who Stole Summer?

Ok, so like I was really excited to go to the People's Market this last Sunday "Father's Day", but when I woke up Sunday morning it was raining.
I know it was rain because I have seen A LOT of it the last few weeks. One thing I will not do is try to sell PAPER jewelry in a RAIN STORM! So I think bummer dude, I'll have to stay home this Sunday and spend time with the hubby. But at about 10:30am I wander outside to see an amazingly strange site - Blue Sky! I had to ask my hubby what in the world that blue stuff was! So, I race inside, get ready and head for Jordan Park, in front of the International Peace Gardens for the PEOPLE'S MARKET! I had my canopy up in no time and was meeting and talking and selling before you could say, "Yes my hubby had to help me set up on Father's Day even though he would rather be home reading a good book, but he even bought me breakfast at McDonald's and brought it to me at the park". What a good man he is.
Not too many vendors ventured out, but it was a grand day. I met many members of a family renunion, some came clear from Rigby, Idaho. I said, "you came all the way from Idaho to come to this Market?" "Well, the reunion was #1, but we stayed over another day to come to the market", was the answer. Wow! People's Market was #2! Not too Bad! AND.... Great Uncle (I forgot his name) is going to sell his homemade wooden bread boards and children's wooden blocks next Sunday!
And I hope I convinced the nice young lady I met to sell her "Book Art" at the People's Market. She takes covers from popular books and makes really neat sounding frames out of them for poems and art that remind her of the book. I can't wait to see some!
I told her about the necklace I made for a school teacher. I cut up an old discarded paperback book of "To Kill a Mockingbird" (her favorite book in the whole world), cut and rolled it so all the important names and facts showed up on the rolled paper beads. Then I made a gorgeous 3-strand necklace out of her favorite book beads.
That is why she had to tell me what she makes out of old books. She has got to come sell her stuff!
I love this market; it is slow, casual and unique! And getting larger and better every Sunday!
I hope all the Fathers out there had a wonderful day! This was my first Father's Day without a Father. I sure miss him!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
1st People's Market - it was a huge success! Come next Sunday and See!
The first of twenty Sundays at the People's Market was a great success by my standards. There was a bigger crowd of people ready to shop and stroll and eat than I saw at last year's opening day!
There are more vendors it looks like also!
Dora's kitchen is back with excellent egg rolls! The Argentina empanada people were there as well and a few other good eats I did not get to because I was BUSY!
The soy candles are back (hurray because I swear there is nothing better than the warm melted soy wax for softening my hard calloused heels! and then I smell luscious also!). The mosaic lady is back - she breaks up old porcelain plates, dishes, etc and makes outstanding pots, vases, trays, wall decorations and such. (I love my mosaic flower pot in my kitchen window I got from her last year!)
The chain mail lady is back and there were hand painted pictures, mosaic furniture (like small tables). There was wire wrapped stones for jewelry. Lots of new plants to put in your garden, and classes on how to mulch! And of course - homemade Music. Thanks to all the performers, it was great!
I know there was more but I couldn't get out much to see it all!
I loved seeing familiar faces! Thanks for coming by my booth to see the new stuff: music book and topographical map paper bead necklaces are a couple of my new lines this year! I also have expanded the cloth bead section. The example of the pink cloth necklace in the picture above went FAST!
At about 1:30pm it looked like it was going to rain any second so I started to take down my booth. At about 2:00 the wind blew and it sprinkled pretty good and most all vendors were gone in a flash. We've all seen too bad of weather the past few weeks to even chance it! So sorry if you came late and everyone was gone!
But we will be back next Sunday with only a slight chance of rain. I bet it will be a spectacular day to get out enjoy the sun and the fun at the International Peace Gardens and the People's Market! See you there!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
il Divo, HFB Air Show and People's Market!

My little sister and I bought tickets to see Il Divo, a quartet of massively excellent maleness and 'epic' singing ability, at the Energy Solutions arena. (Doesn't the Energy Solutions Arena need a nickname? like EnSol or something? It's just too much to have to pronounce) Anyway, we bought the very best tickets available - price was no object- and we sat, I am NOT KIDDING! about 8 feet away from their bodies! They had a circular stage and at the peak of the circle as it juts into the audience, there was our seats! I literally saw spit jump from one of their mouths! (No, I did not jump to catch that drop of spittle!)
Ok, let's get serious, yes they are extremely good looking young men. Heavy emphasis on the word YOUNG. But it is their voices that knock me over. How can anyone sing that well? And there are four of them! Carlos is the cocky baritone from Spain. I just like to look at him. Sebastian is the Frenchman and I'd love to hang out and talk to him, he seems very amiable. Urs, the German-Swiss is so cute you just want to cuddle him and his voice IS like an angel BUT I want David Mills, the American, to sing to me. His has the most extraordinary voice. He is from San Diego I believe, and guess what ---? Pay attention to this Lisa! David used to sing for the Logan Opera! 10 years ago he hung out in Logan, Utah and says he really loves Utah! Cool, huh. Well I was honored to be able to hear their talents and I hope they only get more popular (is it really possible to get any more popular?) and hope they come back to Utah!

Saturday Morning, after breakfast and seeing my sister and her husband off to get their tattoos (that's another story), my hubby and I made our eternal pilgrimage to Hill Air Force Base to see the Air Show. We left the house at about noon. Got caught in an extremely bad wreck in North Salt Lake. Finally we were diverted by the cops to go across a dirt road divider to get up onto highway 89 and off the freeway to finally get to HAFB to only be in another huge traffic jam! Finally we got parked and walked like 8 blocks through metal detectors and we were finally at the air show. Terry got to go aboard the airplane his Dad flew on D-Day (probably not the very exact one but same model) but Terry was thrilled! And teary! Then we finally found someone willing to tell us when the Thunderbirds would fly -- 4:30pm! Two whole more hours! I am not what you would call an airplane enthusiast, not even by a long shot and Terry being the gentleman, says, "let's just go, that's too long to wait". "Like HECK it is" I answered, "I came all this way, through all that mess and we are staying!" So we did, we found some lawn there on the base, and listened to Ipods and wasted time! It was wonderful and the weather was wonderful and the Thunderbirds were as exciting as the 2,000 other times I have endured them!

But, hurray, the People's Market begins this next Sunday, the 14th of June. 1000 South and 900 West in Salt Lake City, Utah! It runs from 10:00am to 3:00pm every Sunday morning through October!
It is yard sale day! So besides vendors having their regular stuff to sell, many bring yard sale items so it should be a lot of fun. Maybe a bit rainy but the rain this week doesn't seem to last too long and it sure keeps us coo
ler! Come and say HI and then take a quiet, beautiful tour through the International Peace Gardens which are right in back of the Market!

I will have new "music notes" necklaces made from an old 1917 music methods book I found discarded! Plus plenty of junk mail bead necklaces also!
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