Sunday, August 29, 2010

Too many decisions - Life isn't easy!

I just received the 3rd book in the Hunger Games series today in the mail, "Mockingjay". This is a very popular book at the junior high I work at so I have to read it - plus I liked the first two in the series so... no problem, right? Not quite!

I also received in the same box, the 3rd book in the Dragon Tattoo series, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest". Now I REALLY like that series and can not wait to read the 3rd and final! But, hold on, it is still not that easy...

I also downloaded "The Secrets Monkey Island special edition (1 and 2) to my ipod touch! I started playing these games back in the early 90's and passed them on to my nieces and nephews and am so thrilled they have been re-worked and up-dated to be glorious in detail so I can see them so well on my little Ipod Touch screen that I just can't believe it.

I have worked months on the puzzles in the past. I have dreamed of playing these games again. If you are not familiar with them, you really need to try them. Lucas Arts! App download for less than $10.00 each - best entertainment around.


Oh and school started again - yes, I had to set up rolls and emails and wash and press clothes and go to bed EARLY and all that but only so I could read a bit and then play a bit of a game before bed.

Life is just not as easy as it once was. Too many choices.
Remember when there were only 3 TV channels - and one was junk like Eugene Gelesnik talent showcase!

And yes, I am almost done with the wedding bracelets - which really have to be done before all the other fun stuff. But I think I'll get "Mockingjay" out of the way - easy read. Start "Kicked the Hornet Nest" and play "Monkey Island" one half hour before bed to "get my eyes tired"!
Sounds good, huh

"Terry dear, can you please do the laundry, vacuum and fix dinner tonight? I'm way busy! - with work and all!"

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wedding announcement paper bead bracelets! and other blurbs

I got a call out of the blue from a customer who would like bracelets made for a bride, her bridesmaids, her mother and soon to be mother-in-law. The bracelets are to have beads made from the wedding announcement. Colors are a very soft gray and aubergine purple. The bride will have paper beads with her and new hubby's name on them and the other women just get the edge of the paper where a silver streak will zip across the bead. I found some gorgeous purple satin string wrapped beads along with some small silver seed beads to go with them. The above picture is of the ingredients so far! Come back in a few weeks and I'll post pictures of the finished products!

And yes, new grandson is now 11lb 8 oz. If I can ever get over this nasty cough and stuffed nose, I'll go kiss his little cheeks! He is such a sweet, happy baby!

School has started again! and I have the 3rd book in the "Hunger Games" trilogy coming any day now - a real favorite of my junior high students! Planning is started for a trip to Scotland and No. England for probably July or Aug of 2012! So life is good.

As far as my IIH condition (I refuse to call it a disease -, after a brain MRI this summer, I definitely have an "empty sella" and "dilated optic nerve sheathes". But at least I am not dripping CSF fluid and my headaches seem to be under control at the moment so we are making some progress. I will have 20 lbs off by Jan. 1, 2011 or else! Check back on my progress there also.

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...