Just to remind you, the first three pictures are the old kitchen - all vintage 1976, even the drop-in almond range! We added the green tile about 10 years ago. The closet pantry in the back left corner is now gone as are all the soffits above the cabinets.

The wall to the left of the fridge is now gone.

The island is now gone.

Yes, this is the same room!
The countertops and backsplash are a white Corian with colored little spreckles in it. They countertop people even made a Corian ledge under the window and Corian molding completely around the window. This will be so easy to clean!

Here is a picture of the sink - a bright white Corian seamless sink. I love it! Of course with the Moen Faucet - and my new Mikasa French Countryside cup and saucer next to the sink. Heck yeah I had to get a whole new set of dishes - dah!
Meet the JennAir gas stove and fancy hood. What a dream. The Corian backsplash goes all the way up to the bottom of the hood.

Now this is more into the dining area. I had these red drawers made to put my husband's grandfather's Noritake China in and linens, etc. And then the Hutch his grandfather also had can now sit on top of another Corian countertop to show off the dishes in a regal manor!

We had two of these bistro tables made with the same Corian as the kitchen countertops. Then I bought Ox-blood chairs on castors to sit up to the tables. We love hanging here reading, chatting - whatever!

The window again all encased in Corian for devine cleaning ability!

So here is a total field of view looking from the entrance into the dining room from the front room. I should have moved the cafe tables back in place but I forgot - they will be off to the right where the mess I thought I had hidden is showing.

My gorgeous fridge. In the last fridge, we had to make a wood shelf to put into it to make it more usable. This one is a dream. You can see a small pantry to the left of the fridge and a flat screen TV above the fridge!
A few throw rugs, the lights hooked up that illuminate the underside of the cabinets and a few paintings hung and a whole heck of a lot more emptying boxes of who knows what and it will be back to normal only elegantly.