Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Come to Wheeler Farm Boutique! Jan. 24, 2009

Start the New Year right and get a jump on Valentines Day gifts!

Best Friends Boutique has a once-a-month boutique at the Wheeler Farm. The first for 2009 will be January 24th. Check out these links and then plan to see us there.


All kinds of crafts, all kinds of fun at the farm for families!

I have a bunch of new jewelry made of recycled paper. I have recently used: Goodhousekeeping magazines, National Geographic Magazines, Bible Pages, Financial Statements, maps, Chemistry/Drug information sheets, old Christmas Wrapping paper, and the ever famous junk mail. Lots more varieties of security envelope jewelry and comic paper jewelry will be featured this month.

A ton of new cloth scraps have been donated and are being made into beads as we speak - all kinds of beautiful colors!

AND lots of pinks and reds with hearts for the Valentine in your life. (Why not special order a love note necklace for your loved one!)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Sir Isaac Newton!

In honor of the most influential scientist of all time, Sir Isaac Newton. May all you apples fall down today!


Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Shortest Day of the Year! Happy Winter Solstice!

I had to stay in pajamas all day because why waste time getting dressed when night was going to be here so soon! This is it, the turn-around day when we now start getting closer to summer, just as a winter storm warning is issued!
I spent the weekend making 10 special order necklaces. Friday night I cut all the paper, Saturday I rolled and dipped approximately 400 beads and strung them all into necklaces on Sunday and finished in time to watch "America's Funniest Video's"
Four necklaces are made for one gal - she wanted them made from scrapbooking paper she furnished me. Beautiful pastel papers: green, blue and pink. I made three single strand necklaces, one of each color and then put all the remainder pastel beads into a beautiful 6 foot long wrap necklace.
The other order was for 5 necklaces made from pages out of old "Good Housekeeping" magazines from the 1970's - what a hoot going through those magazines! We sure have improved on printing colors since the 70's. I had a hard time finding full page ads with interesting colors but finally made a red/black single strand with black swirl crystals, an orange-ish two strand, a lime green (I remember this was a linoleum ad) single strand, a brown and yellow long strand that can double wrap the neck and finally, a multi-pastel colored long strand with blue accents. ---Whew!
Oh, the 10th necklace... one out of a black/blue colored page I saw in a National Geographic magazine and had to see how it would turn out. I think it will be a great men's necklace.

Terry cooked a spectacular ham in his crock pot and we set out heating pads (on timer switches) for the cats to lay on in the window. The Metcalf's brought us homemade toffee so life is sweet! Let it snow!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Have I Done? - I took the challenge!

What Have You Done?

To participate, just copy and paste in your own blog, and bold all of the things you have done. It's kind of fun!!

1. Started your own blog (see: bowenwright.blogspot.com)

2. Slept under the stars (more than once)

3. Played in a band

4. Visited Hawaii

5. Watched a meteor shower (not too good in the city but I watched!)

6. Given more than you can afford to charity (I'm a sucker for Sub-for-Santa)

7. Been to Disneyland (my first time was with Terry 30 years ago this Christmas)

8. Climbed a mountain (climbed to the top of a peak in the mountains to the west of Tooele, Utah. Thanks Jake for scaring the crap out of me!)

9. Held a praying mantis (Charlotte and I had to set it free!)

10. Sang a solo (I've been asked not to sing a solo!)

11. Bungee jumped - not now, not ever!

12. Visited Paris (1987 backpacking with three girl friends - bumped into Lynette again just last summer!)

13. Watched a lightning storm at sea (I was on the beach watching, does that count?)

14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (Paper beads, etched glass)

15. Adopted a child (took custody of a step-son and am the pseudo-mom of Meghan!)

16. Had food poisoning (even had to go to the hospital - how embarrassing)

17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty (only saw it from an airplane)

18. Grown your own vegetables (superb squash at one time)

19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France (I saw the Mona Lisa at the Smithsonian in NYC)

20. Slept on an overnight train (all the way from SLC to Las Vegas and Cusco to Machu Pichu)

21. Had a pillow fight (Just ask my sister Janet)

22. Hitch hiked - not trusting enough

23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill (had to finish reading a book!)

24. Built a snow fort (My older brother had a passion for these in Kearns)

25. Held a lamb (Petted a goat and got butted by a lamb)

26. Gone skinny dipping (only if having my swimsuit ripped off from a fall while water skiing at Lake Powell counts!)

27. Run a Marathon (ran 1.5 miles at police academy, that's my longest)

28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice (watched a gondola in Venice go down the canal)

29. Seen a total eclipse (it was close enough to say total by me!)

30. Watched a sunrise or sunset (nearly every day if I can)

31. Hit a home run (I should get credit for this because I tried soooo hard for sooo many years!)

32. Been on a cruise (does floating down through Cataract Canyon in a float tube count? But Terry and I did take a day cruise out of Seward, Alaska)

33. Seen Niagara Falls in person (I liked the Canada side the best)

34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (America sites yes, but never been to British Isles)

35. Seen an Amish community (in Pennsylvania - survived a near tornado there)

36. Taught yourself a new language
(Still struggling with Spanish)

37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (I like my life style)

38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person (decided to wander in Rome instead)

39. Gone rock climbing (not officially with ropes and stuff)

40. Seen Michelangelo’s David (so beautiful it made me cry)

41. Sung karaoke (our school's music department has one so us teachers tried it)

42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt (worked in the Tetons so have seen it many times)

43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (Terry and I do that often)

44. Visited Africa (I tried for Kenya but never made it - don't think I'll ever go now)

45. Walked on a beach by moonlight (St. Thomas)

46. Been transported in an ambulance (I've loaded people on one but never rode in one)

47. Had your portrait painted (does my grand nieces picture count?)

48. Gone deep sea fishing (for rock cod off of Marina Del Rey, Ca.)

49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person (saw it once half-way restored and then again totaled restored)

50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris (magical! a gorgeous view of the city!)

51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (St. Thomas and this was the scene of my one and only panic attack- there is scary stuff down there in the ocean!)

52. Kissed in the rain (St. Augustine, Fl. - first time I ever saw it rain a deluge!)

53. Played in the mud (I made the best mud cookies!)

54. Gone to a drive-in theater (even snuck into one with my little brother)

55. Been in a movie (does a Junior High "meet your teachers" movie count?)

56. Visited the Great Wall of China

57. Started a business (Bowenwright Crafts, LC)

58. Taken a martial arts class (learned some at the Police Academy)

59. Visited Russia

60. Served at a soup kitchen (St. Vincent D'Paul in SLC - humbling!)

61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (bought a billion of them)

62. Gone whale watching (with Terry on a cruise in Kenai Fjords out of Seward, Al)

63. Got flowers for no reason (my stepson picked me a bunch of wild flowers while we were backpacking in the Uintah's)

64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma (Many times until I got cancer - they no longer want mine!)

65. Gone sky diving (not in this life!)

66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp

67. Bounced a check (I didn't known funds hadn't been transferred yet and thank goodness my sister worked at the bank!)

68. Flown in a helicopter (and was dropped off on top of a ridge to fight a fire)

69. Saved a favorite childhood toy (I have my very first Troll doll and still have my bubble-hair Barbie in her black/white stripped swimsuit)

70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (Best at night with the lights on it!)

71. Eaten Caviar (Yuck, too salty - on a first class fight I think to Peru)

72. Pieced a quilt (took cut quilt blocks of my grandma Fryer's and sewed them into a throw quilt)

73. Stood in Times Square (Back in 1984 or'85 and it was not in very good condition then - stinky and a lot of bars and porn shops)

74. Toured the Everglades (with Terry and it was interesting)

75. Been fired from a job (Laid off, yes. Fired, no)

76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London (no, dang it)

77. Broken a bone (broke my left arm on my Grandpa's teeter-tooter a few minutes after my sister broke her right arm on the same teeter-tooter! 1960)

78. Been on a speeding motorcycle (yes, my own 2003 Heritage Softail of course)

79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person (both North and South side and saw it from my motorcycle also!)

80. Published a book (maybe one day!)

81. Visited the Vatican (loved Michelangelo's Pieta in St. Peter's Basilica)

82. Bought a brand new car (First new car was a 1977 MGB - white with black interior)

83. Walked in Jerusalem (wouldn't dare now)

84. Had your picture in the newspaper (something from Elementary school, but heck, I've been on TV - see archived bowenwright.blogspot.com)

85. Read the entire Bible (pretty darn near the whole thing!)

86. Visited the White House (only saw it from the outside, however)

87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (duh, I'm from Utah! Cut up many a deer)

88. Had chickenpox (Still have a cute scar above my butt cleavage)

89. Saved someone’s life (maybe, he fell off a motorcycle and we found him hours later)

90. Sat on a jury (made it almost through the questioning to become one - but thrown out when I admitted I was once a cop)

91. Met someone famous (does Mary Nichols count?)

92. Joined a book club (several but I'm not a real book club kind of gal)

93. Lost a loved one (too many)

94. Had a baby (never been pregnant)

95. Seen the Alamo in person (still on my list of places to go, always wanted to see San Antonio)

96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake (I actually have many times - we used to go there when kids with my parents. The worst is having to drive home with the salt drying on your skin)

97. Been involved in a law suit (was sued by a former tenant- but it started a whole new career for my hubby as a PI!)

98. Owned a cell phone (I may not use it well, but I own one)

99. Been stung by a bee (Stepped on many as a kid)

100. Seen Mount Rushmore in person (yes, it was beautiful )

101. Learned to play an instrument (I play the piano)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Quite a Hectic Ordering Season! but still some time left!

I have had a successful Christmas special order season. I'm glad I did not sign up for any Christmas festivals this year! With still working a full time job and doing paper beads on the side, I'm BUSY. Next year will be much different - hopefully (if the economy doesn't do a 100mph nosedive!) I will retire from my full time job in June of 2009!

So for this year I have had the great pleasure of these special orders:

1. Necklace sets (5 total) made of topographical maps of Southern Utah for a group of ladies who love to backpack in Utah's canyonlands Nat'l Parks.

2. Several bracelets made of Salt Lake's Soccer team, REAL brochures. These were spectacular in the way the logo of the team, team colors and shots of the playing field showed up so wonderfully on the beads!

3. A muscial notes necklace set made of material that looked like a sheet of paper music. The cloth here was a better choice than real sheet music because of the aged look and golden sparkles in the cloth.

4. Several "security envelop" necklaces have been mailed out like the one pictured here


5. the ever increasingly popular "Sunday Comics" paper beads necklaces! Thanks to everyone who donates their Sunday Comics and old security envelopes to me!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The SLC Family Christmas Gift Show is in the Rearview Mirror!

This, my first year, at the SLC Family Christmas Gift Show was... pretty darn interesting on many levels. I sold a fair amount and met some really wonderful and interesting people. I have to say that my ego took a tremendous leap with the sweet lady who said she knew me because she had seen me on TV! One whole person saw me! I should have gotten her autograph!
I loved to death my neighbor, Scott, who sells the "Fur Free 2 in 1 Professional Pet Grooming Tool". Tennessee men have quite the charm - enough to charm an old lady that's for sure. He kept me in stitches when we were all so tired we just wanted to lay down and cry! And that Fur Free brush is absolutely the most wonderful gadget I have ever owned - for Pete's sake, it REALLY WORKS! I had no idea my cats were hauling around soooo much extra hair (my cats love to be brushed so it was great for both to get rid of a TON of hair)
Here's a free plug for the Fur Free professional pet grooming tool:
http://www.usa-shows-fairs.com 1-800-995-8141 Unbelievable is all I can say.

Then on my other side were the wonderful gracious ladies selling "Unbreakable Dolls". I got to sit and watch hundreds of little girls, eyes wide and in absolute ecstasy as they got to hold and hug the most beautiful dolls I have ever seen!

And thanks to all of the good ideas you gave me, especially to Max who showed me that boys can wear and would like my junk mail bead necklaces! So watch for the boys and mens line of necklaces (for evermore to be called the "MAX" line of junk mail jewelry!) coming soon!
Thanks again to all of you who came to see me. I feel it was a great success and can't wait to come back next year, bigger and better!

Christmas orders: I need about 5-7 days to cut, roll, glaze and string a necklace. If you have the paper, add in time to mail or somehow get it to me. If you want one of my standard necklaces; Sunday Comic Paper beads, Junk Mail or Security Envelope beaded necklaces, those papers I always have on hand so I can get them out easily in the 5 days limit (plus add in mailing time to you!)
Go for the unusual gift and GO GREEN

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Mentor, My Inspiration, My Niece, Kriselle is Twilight Vendor of the Month!

Be sure to scroll all the way down on the second link to see all of my beautiful niece's jewelry. Selle got me started in jewelry, well actually I begged and cried until she relented and let me learn from her. We often sell together especially for home parties. Selle does the gorgeous, sparkly, elegant and now "Twilight Inspired Jewelry" while I have branched off into the Earthy "Recycled Materials Jewelry" with my recycled paper and cloth beads. But we both believe in exceptionally good prices! and...
best of all, we look exactly alike! .... except I have brown hair... and it is short... with sprinkles of gray... oh, and I am very short (Kriselle's waist hits my shoulder) and I'm a bit over weight... My eyes are brown....
But I swear you'd think we were twins if you could see us side by side!

Come on, you know you want to have something sparkly to wear this holiday season AND you want to give unique gifts!
email me operations@bowenwright.com
or Kriselle (Selle) at http://twilightmomsforums.freeforums.org/member/Selle/

Family Christmas Gift Show is also this weekend - Friday Nov 14th from 10:00am to 9:00pm.
Then on Sat. the 15th - 10am to 8pm and on Sun the 16th from 10am to 6pm!
South Towne Expo Center, 9575 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah
Booth 431 will be my little home-away-from-home for the weekend!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Working wildly to get Tons made for big show this weekend

Family Christmas Gift Show is in Salt Lake City this weekend! From Friday, Nov. 14th to Sun. Nov. 16th.
I've heard the commercials for this event on the TV all week! It will be great fun and I'd love to see you there! So please come and say hello to booth 431.
See you this weekend - South Towne Expo Center 9575 South State Street!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Final People's Market for 2008 - maybe?

What a spectacular day to have a outdoor market! I loved every minute of being outside. I loved seeing my old friends again - I haven't been to the market for 4 weeks now with bad weather and the passing of my Father. So it was great to be back in the selling mode!
The People's Market is going to do or are considering doing a Market/Boutique Selling opportunity at the Intermodal Hub between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That would be so great! And a good location also - All the Trax lines and Bus lines go there and it is right next to the Gateway Mall! It should be great.
Remember you can always email me a special order request! A nice "love note" beaded necklace with your own words and penmanship forever saved on beautiful hand rolled paper beads! What a great gift.
And don't forget the big sale at the South Towne Expo Center on Nov 14-15-16th. Several of the People's Market vendors will have their items for sale at this show; Family Gift Show!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I think it is fall for sure now! Have you see those Leaves? Wow!

Fall Colors necklace:

Bible pages bead necklace:

Ok, I'm back! Deaths in any one's family is always disruptive but I must go on, that's what Dad would want, even though it feels odd and empty somehow. Thank you to all my family and friends, it was so great to see EVERYONE! All my Dad's sisters made it to the funeral as did most all relatives of my Mother (who passed away March of 2006). My niece Lisa, (http://www.2sure.blogspot.com/) gave an amazing tribute to my Father using entries she quoted from his journal. Lisa, will you be willing to publish that tribute so I can read it often? Please!

I will be at the Salt Lake Family Christmas Gift Show at the South Towne Expo Center on Nov. 14, 15 and 16th. Look for Bowenwright Crafts and come by and say hello. I'll have both the "Elegant and the Earthy" lines there. My niece, Kriselle with Embracelets Jewelry will help with providing jewelry for the Elegant line. She also does jewelry for those who are into the "Twilight" book series. If you have read the books, you know what jewelry I am talking about. And she is the master crafter of stunning bling - Swarovski is her middle name!

I do the Earthy line with the recycled paper beads and the scrap cloth bead necklaces, bracelets and earrings, the whole "Saving the Earth one bead at a time" line.

So in other words, something for everyone at GREAT prices!

I will be at the party for the People's Market this Saturday the 25th of Oct! This was such an exciting Market to be a part of! I can't wait until next year! And I can't wait to see my new friends made over the summer!

But don't think there won't be any jewelry until next summer - check in often and I am planning to put "how to do it" hints on my new up-coming Paper Bead blog and I use winter as my mass production time so that is when there are a lot more choices!

I've loaded up my eBay store with several new necklace/earring sets made of recycled paper, take a minute and click on my eBay link in the right column of this blog! See you later!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Snow, Oct 2008

I couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning - SNOW! We have been waiting all weekend for this horrible snow and it seemed like everyone around us was getting rain or snow. We've had very little rain but this morning, finally the snow. I was rather glad I decided not to go to the People's Market. Not only busy with Dad's funeral (on Oct 18th) but trying to get my house back to semi-workable order while Terry builds my enlarged office space. We finished tearing down the rest of the shelves in the new office area and then hung those old shelves in my bedroom so I at least have space to work on jewelry until the new place is finished! Hooray! I have a bedroom back again!
I sounds like tons of relatives will be coming into town next weekend for Dad's funeral. What a tribute to him. All of his sisters are trying hard to get here. Please weather, don't go funky again next weekend! Please!

And Kyle... I will definitely be to the People's Market End-of-Season party! Sounds great!
What a great summer, I can't wait for next year!

But, don't forget the Family Christmas Show at the South Towne Expo Center November 14, 15 and 16th! The Soy Candles Ladies will be there also! You want your room to smell beautiful when you step gracefully into it wrapped in beautiful, hand-rolled recycled paper bead jewelry don't you???

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Honor the Memory of my Father, Ross Bowen

My niece with my Dad the summer of 2008.
My father just passed away the other day, after a long, long battle with Parkinson's.
This guy was a man's man. Big, strong and very handsome.
He could do everything; hunting, fishing, camping, doll mending, wire hanger maker for Barbie doll clothes, and getter of 7-up for a sore throat after tonsil removal. He just seemed to be able to do everything! He even knew how to carve a potato for me to use as a paint stamp when I was in first grade! I always new I wanted a husband who could do everything like my Dad.

Dad rarely sat around lazing, until he got Parkinson's. He always did what he called "puttering",
constantly working on something or other.

He taught me how to ride a motorcycle, he taught me how to shoot a gun. He taught me to keep trying and never give up. The only thing I ever saw take him down was this ugly Parkinson's and even then he never really gave in. He worked in his yard right up to at least two hours before his death. He rode his stationary bike every day. He read every day.
AND, he loved to travel around in a car and see new sites. He always loved to car travel. He got me in more predicaments with my car while trying to show me things as I drove him around the last couple of summers - like the memorable drive down the Richfield canal road - in a CAMRY!
OR, up and over the mountain from Fishlake to where in the heck I don't know - in a CAMRY! (he said it was a good road when he went over it on his 4-wheeler!) And he'd laugh when I'd get scared and begin to scream: "I can't drive here!" He'd say "Take it slow, you can do it".

But my best memory?

I was so lucky to have worked for Eastern Airlines up until they folded in 1989. They gave free flight benefits to parents of employees. My gift to my Dad was to make the opportunity to travel something that my Mother could no longer say no to. He could not get her to travel and lamented about it many times to me. But she had to use the free tickets I gave her at least once or risk hurting my feelings! Right? She went on that first plane trip and, well, the travel bug bit Mom hard and both my Dad and Mom went EVERYWHERE after that first time!
But the dearest gift I gave my Dad (and my Dad gave back to me) was a trip by car to Alaska in September of 1990. After I was laid off from Eastern Airlines, I went back to school to get a Biology degree. I found I had about four weeks with nothing to do after summer quarter until fall quarter started and my Dad had mentioned several times earlier that he just could not get Mom to drive with him from Utah to Alaska. (She had a bad back and didn't feel up to that long of a car ride). So I and my husband cooked up a plan that my Dad would not be able to refuse - I told him that I needed a couple of more hours of credit in order to graduate and they didn't have a class I could take, but my advisor agreed to give me those two hours of credit if I wanted to go and take pictures of ecological things that I could use when teaching Biology. "So, how about if he and I went to Alaska, camped out along the way and took pictures so I could get those hours of credit?" He fell for it. And we began to plan.
Then my Mom, with seeing our excitement, decided she would go after all because she could stretch out on the back seat and I could help switch off driving with Dad. "But", she said, "we had to stay in motels as often as possible."
I had absolutely no money at that time (jobless and paying for college, my husband just starting a second career and teenage boy at home), so Mom said if I would agree to stay in motels then they would pay for all the hotels and food but I'd have to buy my own souvenirs! What a deal! And off we went. That trip has to be one of the most wonderful memories in my life. It took us 7 days to drive to Alaska, 7 days sightseeing around Alaska and 7 days to get back home. We drove an average of 500 miles per day. I can't even remember how many total miles we traveled!
I had never before in my life had my parents all to myself and I'll never forget it. But I'll especially never forget the walks with my Dad in the evenings while Mom rested on her motel bed.
I feel sorry for all the rest of you because my Dad was the best ever! Bye Dad, Love you.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Laying Low this last weekend

I guess I'm extra tired! Lots of fairs and festivals lately so I took this weekend off and rested and didn't go to the People's Market on Oct.5. So what happens?... A NEWS CHANNEL WAS THERE TAKING PICTURES and I saw the People's Market myself on the news Sunday night! Even an interview with Mr. Turner! Dangit, the wrong Sunday to stay home! It was great weather even though the weather people predicted possible rain that morning! Oh well, the season is running down and I have to gear up for the Nov 14,15,16 Family Christmas Show at the South Towne Expo Center. I have a lot of beads to string to get enough for the show!
I have a new email address just for business stuff, special orders, etc: operations@bowenwright.com So if you missed me at the People's Market, email with your ideas or order and I'll get it mailed out to you!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Many Thanks to AAZK members!

Over this last weekend, I was lucky enough to have a booth and be able to sell recycled paper and cloth jewelry to members of the American Association of Zoo Keepers! see: http://www.aazk.org/ and http://www.utahaazk.org/
What a cool bunch of people. They're an earthy, honest, and very friendly bunch of men and women. As I listened to them talking about the creatures they take care of at their various zoos across America, I couldn't help but think how much they sounded like us Junior High School teachers talking about our creatures! And boy was it nice to work two days inside the Marriott Hotel by the Galvan Center - tough duty! A Starbucks down on the first floor and air conditioning! LOVED IT!!!
I sold, and sold, and sold and now have to get very busy this week to get more inventory and head back out to the People's Market at the International Peace Gardens, 1000 South and 900 West in SLC this Sunday. There aren't too many weekends left for the market. I'm going to try and be out there every Sunday through the 20th of Oct. I hope that I am correct in assuming that will be the last day for 2008!
But next will be the Family Christmas Gift Show at the South Towne Expo Center on November 14, 15 and 16th! See you there!
In the meantime, don't forget to see what is for sale in my eBay Store! Click on the link to the left uner "other wonderful links" Thanks!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Beginnings of The Bowenwright Workshop/Office

The first three photos are what my... I guess it was an office area off from our kitchen, anyway they are photos of what it looks like right now. We stripped it out and Terry is going to build me bookcases and such from the windows clear around to the other wall (we have one more bank of funky shelving to knock off the wall in the right corner) to make a kind of "L" shaped bookcase/storage cabinet space so I can move Bowenwright Crafts, LC out into that room and maybe relieve some space in the bedroom (the currect bedroom predicament is in the other two pictures! YIKES. It is very crowded in the bedroom needlesss to say. And I think I can even handle clients out in the other room! There is even space there for classes and bead parties and male dancers - OK, not the male dancers at my age. Can you say Coronary bypass? But I am really excited... about the beading, the beading!Terry has pretty much moved all his businesses into the cockpit downstairs. (he has four flatscreens on his computer with a wrap-around desk and I swear it looks like an air control tower or the cockpit of a fighter pilot!) Hey Meghan, remember the particle board bed you sleep on out in the room that is now going to be Bowenwright Central? Yeah, that's been a long time since we last remodeled, like 1996ish? Does anybody know of a cork-like product that I can put on the wall under the bookcase/cabinets - like on the blacksplash wall above the desks countertops? I'd like to pin stuff up but don't know what to use??? Anyway, I'll be in a mess for awhile AGAIN!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

KUTV interview Sept 16 2008

** I'm a MOVIE STAR! **

Ok, not really a movie star, more like a TV STAR... ok not really a TV star, more like an Infomercial Star! I was on the KUTV2 Morning Show today (the 16th) and was interviewed by Mary Nickles! How cool is that? (Yes, she is gorgeous).
When I got to the building, (I knew it because I have taken tours of their facility in the past), I had to rattle the locked front doors, a good looking guy came and un-locked the door and then went to fetch the producer. My husband (carrying my load of jewelry) and I were led on a winding path through the facility finally to their little outdoor porch with teeny waterfalls and pool. I was shown a very small and very tall table and told to set my stuff up there. I was thinking the table they promised would be more like the 8' long table I used at the fair. I think it was more like 2' x 3' at most. So I picked through my wares and tried to get an example of all the different kinds of paper I use and some of the cloth ones also. I was set up with a microphone and was cued with a wave of a hand to look like I was "futt-zing" with jewelry. I waited a bit more and then... Mary came out looking like a runway model. All I could say to her was "I've always tried to make my hair look like yours!" She replied, "your's looks great, my hair is really dry." It is this deep and intimate look into others lives that really draws me to TV...
I think Mary (we're on first name basis now) was really impressed with my jewelry (she seemed honestly tickled with the Sunday Comic paper beads necklace). I bet I looked great next to her... they had me stand on a stool so I wouldn't look so short! and no one did my make-up or hair - HELLO! How can I possibly stand next to, let alone compete with MARY NICKLES? Did anyone out there see me? about 10:15am today? Did I have anything stuck between my teeth? Was my bra strap hanging out? Did my upper lip stick to my teeth?
But it was truely fun and everyone there was helpful and happy. I got a feeling it was fun working at the station. My hubby took pictures as they were filming so as soon as I can get him to download them, I'll post a few (whether you want them or not).
If you found this blog from watching the show and want to see my stuff or get in touch with me, click on the links on the right side of this webpage, or leave a comment.
Also, my niece and mentor, doing business as: "Embracelets Jewelry", works with me doing parties and festivals and such. She does the really elegant jewelry. (I'm the more earthy line of our accessorization facility.) She does wedding sets for brides and their bridesmaid that are to die for! Together we can do a party for you! Get an early jump on our holiday supply of jewelry so you have more to choose from!
Or, come see me and all the other vendors and farmers at the People's Market, 10th south 900 West SLC every Sunday 10:00am to 3:00pm. until Oct 20th.
Now I must go languish in the glory of my 2.5 minutes of fame from this morning....

Friday, September 12, 2008

Here is the after picture. I forgot to take a picture before I left home so my friend took the picture with his little cell phone and then emailed it to me! OK, a bit fuzzy but isn't technology wonderful. The beads are big and chunky - about 1" long and 1/2" wide. I have enough paper left from the folders to make three more necklaces! Such beautiful reds and greens in the beads!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The "Before" picture

These are pictures of the folder I will be cutting and rolling into beads for a special order necklace. I thought I'd show how beautiful the colors are. The father (Mr. Rod Serbousek) of the girl I am doing this for, painted the picture that was then printed onto this folder cover. It is really more stunningly beautiful than my photos. We'll see how it turns in a few days! - I'll get more pictures!

Psst: I am going downtown to KJZZ, the channel 14 station on Tuesday, Sept. the 16th to do a spot for the "Home Team" show which comes on at 9:00am on channel 14. it is "a daily show focusing on different aspects of women's lives" I don't know what day it will show at this moment. I doubt it is going to be a live broadcast because I'm supposed to be at the station at 10:00am and the show is from 9:00-10:00am! But they want to show my junk mail jewelry and interview me, I guess. Maybe they just want me there with my teacher voice to get people to stand in straight lines! Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on that. Cool, huh?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Should September be my Favorite Month?

(Picture of Salt Lake's International Peace Gardens from their website.)
Everything slows down in September, in a Park! Come see the People's Market just outside the Gardens in Jordan Park - 10th South 900 West, Sundays from 10:00am to 3:00pm through Oct. 28th.

Was this last weekend the most beautiful weather or what? I can't wait to see what September is like without the overhanging responsibility and dread of school. Forever I have associated September with school in one way or another. But this is the last one. Next year I hope to see September only through the feel of coolness in the morning air, the smell of leaves on the ground or of ripening fruit, and fireplaces. And maybe even discover more of what goes on in September without any distractions like work - just through the eyes of plain, simple enjoyment!
The People's Market yesterday was delightful - I think it was my favorite weekend so far. Maybe I was just in shock at how much easier it is being outside working when the temperature is not in the 90's. There were a lot of vendors/farmers and a lot of visitors. Everyone was happy, calm and walkin' slow! Like we all wanted to savor these last few precious days before winter!
I have two special orders this week. One is for a 6 foot long wrap necklace with beads made of Bible pages. And then a very special order where I have been asked to make beads from a folder that has an impressionistic painting on it of a flower garden. A young lady said her father painted the picture that was used for the folder's cover and she would like me to make beads and then a necklace so she can have her father's painting with her more often. How cool is that? It should make a gorgeous necklace because of all the colors! I will get pictures!
Well I only hope the fall is much more healthy for my family than this last summer was! I can't take any more people with holes in their hearts! or pneumonia! (or however it is spelled) or anything! Everyone, please think healthy thoughts!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No People's Market over Labor Day for me... why? you ask

(Picture is my imagination of potential weather for Sunday, Aug. 31st)
I thought I was really out smarting the weather this last Sunday. The weatherman said it was going to be stormy and I wasn't too excited about braving the elements with blowing canopy and soggy paper beads so I sleep in on Sunday. Now sleeping in is a wonderful thing - beyond wonderful, it is divine! So after awaking around 8:30am I kept waiting for the justification for staying home to materialize. I waited, no rain. 12:00pm, still no rain. 2:00pm and still no rain. I usually make it home by 3:30 after I clean-up and pack everything from the market and drive home. A total bust. I could have been at the Market seeing my friends, meeting people, have a very comfortable temperature sit in a beautiful park but NO, I had to try and out think the weather! I am so totally irritated now. And then what happens, at exactly 3:23 pm, the rain begins at my home and it looked to me like it hadn't hit the downtown area at all yet. I'll have to see what people say about the wind. Maybe that was hard to handle and then I can feel smug about staying home but right now I am so disappointed and upset about not going. I could cry!

I'll be back next week now without a doubt - not even snow could keep me away!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Support a young entrepreneur - DUCT TAPE Wallets

I love it when young people take the challenge and try their hand at selling, especially if it is something they invented, created, or grew themselves. Do me a favor and check out the website of a young man who just started selling at the People's Market: http://dimondhalo.wetpaint.com/ Mr. Derek Young sells very durable and good-looking, handmade Duct Tape wallets! complete with grommet to hook up with your chain! Young craftsman only pay a $1.00 (edited because I was thinking it was $5.00!) booth fee per Sunday! Come and sell your crafts or garden produce and join the fun!
Every Sunday from now until Oct. 28th from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Good food, music, crafts, folks, and leisurely atmosphere!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Record Breaking Heat at the People's Market

The weatherman said it was officially 99 degrees in Salt Lake today. I felt it! I kind of goes contrary to the idea of school starting. Didn't we used to have cool, crisp mornings to walk to school in? Today kids ride to school in sweltering heat - but didn't school also used to start AFTER labor day? Oh well, I care not, this is my last year of teaching (quickly I knock on wood).

The People's Market located at Salt Lake City's International Peace Gardens, is really growing - lots of people today, and I bet it gets even better as fall comes upon us and the crisp air revives everyone.

My favorites at the market still have to be the young adult vendors. It is only a $5.00 booth fee for young people so it is so cool to see those young entrepreneurs trying their hand at selling. There still if lots of space for any other young vendors who'd like to join our fun! Sell fruits and vegetables from your garden or sell that cool stuff you handmake!

I've got to get the link to young Mr. Long's website. He handmakes "Duct tape" wallets. He sat next to my booth and made wallets all day long, as people watched - pretty cool. I'll put a link on - as soon as I find his card...

So, teachers went back to work last week getting ready for a new school year. We had the 7th grade students come all by themselves the Friday before school officially starts (last Friday) so they can get all the mistakes made before the 8th and 9th grade students join them (and make fun of them!) Getting their locker open is a MAJOR obstacle for most, getting to the right class at the right time is also hard the first day. Lunch and gym class are always some of the most feared tasks a first time junior high student must face. I only had two students come into the wrong class period (it's pretty bad to have to get up and leave after class has started - remember?), only one I helped was almost in tears over their locker and absolutely no one, at least that I saw, had lost their lunch money yet - that's got to be a record! All in all, a great day. Next Monday morning then, all the 8th and 9th graders go to school with the 7th graders at home, breathing deep, trying to get in control of their queezy, scared feelings for the big day when ALL students are all together in the big building down the street! All together in the school that will dominate and perhaps become the biggest part of their lives for the next 180 days! All the drama, the noise, the fears, the elation and crushes and failures! Did I mention DRAMA and NOISE? Two things I don't look forward to, too much.

Remember your locker fears? Write back and tell me your biggest fear, experience, etc. of junior high - I'd like a good collection!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ok, I'm starting "Eclipse" tonight, the second to last in the series by Stephenie Meyer. I went through the first book, "Twilight" in one day and "New Moon" in the next two following days. Let me be very honest, I didn't much care for "Twilight". In order to relate I had to make Edward look in my mind more like an older man. Big mistake because then I couldn't get over the idea that Edward was 80+ years old so I could only see him as some kind of pedifile! - hitting on a 17 year old girl - YUCK! I just couldn't get a younger man's face to stick to my mind's picture. And I thought the author's attempt at dialog was a bit awkard so, all in all I thought maybe I'd skip the other books and say I tried, after all, I couldn't get through more than two Harry Potter books! Well thank goodness I read the second book in the series, "New Moon"! SOOOOO MUCH BETTER, (I love Jacob - I've always had a thing with Native American men! Rodney Grant, I'm still waiting for you!) - I am now hooked and can't wait to get "Eclipse" finished - hopefully in a few days also! Thanks to my two nieces for introducing me to these books! If you haven't seen the trailor for the new "Twilight" movie coming out Dec 12, check http://www.2sure.blogspot.com/ and see the copy of it there! I am going to go to the show with my nieces whether they want me or not! So save a seat!

Today's People's Market was delightful. I love it so much when people come up and say, "this is the lady I was telling you about!" and then they stand there and sell the jewelry for me! What an honor! And thank you, Leeza, for all the paper you brought to me! Wow, I was in 7th heaven. She cleaned out a bit I guess and brought old maps, Japanese paper, cool wrapping paper, and on and on! Even some pages from a book all in Russian! I don't think chocolate would have made me any happier and excited. I'm not sure Rodney Grant would have been as exciting - I am getting old! (See "Dances with Wolves" if you have forgotten Mr. Grant). Anyway I'll have some neat stuff to show next week.

School does start again tomorrow for us teachers so I won't be nearly as productive but I don't think I will run out of material for SEVERAL weeks!

Very nice to meet and talk to Dave from Texas who met and married Rosalyn from Minnesota. Both had to travel far to met here in Utah! What a cute, cute couple. I'd glad people like that have made Utah their home!

Good luck to all bow hunters. If you see a large, VERY LARGE WOLF-like creature out there, DO NOT SHOOT IT! Rick, do you hear me?!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Aug 10 Sell, Sell, Sell

Tonight my hands hurt. I've rolled way too many beads in getting ready for a Saturday show/party set up by my good friend at work. Then the very next day, Sunday morning I was back at the People's Market. Most of the pieces shown in the slide show are now living in the homes of their new owners!

The weather was spectacular for the Farmer's / People's Market! A very cool morning (compared to what we have had lately) and just barely started to heat enough to form rain clouds after we had packed up and gone.

Most spectacular thing happened at the Market today! I looked up to see a woman standing in front of my table with a very familiar face. I couldn't believe it was one of my old traveling companions from Eastern Airlines, who I haven't seen since 1989 when Eastern went out of business. Four of us girls who worked in reservations at Eastern Airlines, flew to Paris, Rome and Athens - pretty much backpacking around those cities for about 7-10 days. I had the absolute time of my life there. I figure we must have done this in about 1985 by my best recollection. We four lost track of each other after the downfall of Eastern Airlines and here before me was one of the "backpacking in Europe" girls! I actually thought I was going to cry! She looked great, heck we both look great with all the passing years! Looks like her son is going to get a booth here at the Market and sell his duct-tape wallets! I'm so thrilled to be able to talk with her more! Maybe I could even find those old photographs... hmm, where to start looking?

I have a lot of special orders to do this week and I only have a week to work on them because I start back to school for my, hopefully, final year of teaching (wahoo) a week from tomorrow.
Has the summer gone by fast or what?
I'm going to make beads out of the napkins used by a lady for her sons birth celebration, going to do a necklace for a lady who found paper with just the right colors she likes and hopefully another love note necklace a son wants to give his Mom! Cool!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Aug 3rd at People's Market

First of all, I don't ever want my booth at the People's Market to be placed next to wonderful ladies making fresh Navajo Tacos ever again! It's not that I didn't like the ladies - they were a wonderful mother/daughter team and I loved talking to them. It's also not because that they had the most cutest ever little grandson/son who was so frightened of flying insects. (I got the glory of saving him from a bee!) No and it is not because I didn't appreciate all the business that had to pass by my booth as customers waited for their own huge, fresh, fragrant Navajo Tacos - AUTHENTIC Navajo Tacos! See the problem was that I absolutely had to have one and as quick as you can say, "up one more pant size", there went my diet - delayed for another day! (I was 2 whole hours into my new diet!)
Oh my gosh was that fresh, hot fry bread to die for! And topped with beans, (not just canned chili like some places) cheese, onions, lettuce.... I'm drolling again. And of course you could get the fresh fry bread with honey butter also! Oh please I must talk about something else, Like:
How about the never ending free samples of Jamba Juice! Yes, I said "never ending and free" samples! They are going to start selling Jamba Juice in grocery stores now - in bottles - so everyone at the Market got samples all morning long! If I'd had a pumpkin chocolate chip cookies I really would have thought I had died and gone to heaven!
Funny thing is they sold out completely of the Navajo Tacos before my husband came to help me pack up and all the Jamba Juice was gone! And No, I didn't want to go out to dinner when I was still so full I could hardly walk! Besides he needed to clean up those leftovers at home anyway!

Last week I did the marathon bead making! I figure about 1500 beads rolled, dipped in polyacrylic and then 16 new necklaces made. I'll have some pictures of some of the new styles and papers hopefully this week.

Many people have ask about lessons in bead making. If you will post a comment to me about whether or not that would interest you - I'll see if just a blog or doing a hands-on class in Murray area would be better!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

3 days with my Dad!

My Dad says, "I'm an old 82 year old" I said, "not yet - you have 2 months until you are 82"! I stayed with him for a few days and during that time he wanted me to take him over to Janet's house to see the project Wayne has been working on. So Kriselle says, "drive down the right side of the garage and through the gate to the backyard, that way Grandpa won't have to walk so far to see." I'm thinking that sounds good - so down the side yard I go, over the grass and through the gate around a bend and up to the new cement slab for the shop. At that exact moment I remembered I hate to drive backwards, I just can't seem to do it. And we are in a bit of a tight squeeze and we are in my new Honda. I don't want it stratched or bumped because I couldn't back up. Just as the panic in rising in my throat, Dad says, "well turn around then". It took me a good 7 backups and then go forwards until I got the car turned around. It would have been easier to just have backed out of the yard! We gently nudged every pile of dirt and debris and car parts as I tried to turn around. Honda's do turn around in a pretty smally area! As we go into the house (I with my heart still pounding and Dad still laughing) Kriselle says, "Do you want to go see the project in the back yard?" Yeah funny!

The pictures below are of my Dad's home in Richfield and what his view looks like from his front yard in two directions. The red hills of Richfield!

Thanks to Kelly and Coleton for their pictures also. Wednesday was the end to all our vacations - back to the big city and I with a load of new papers to make beads with! I figure I have about 2000 beads that needs to be dipped in polyacrylic tomorrow.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

27th of July - summer is on the way out

I always have figured that summer was really only from the 4th of July until the 24th of July. Prior to that we are just warming up to summer and after the 24th it is downhill until the start of school and summer is over. So we're on the downhill!

Martha, who commissioned me to make a love note necklace for her niece (who is getting married) sent me a picture she took of the necklace. I didn't have time to get one myself. So that is what the picture above is. You can't really read it too well but every bead says: Christina loves Eric. They are all in different pastel colors. It is really fun! Martha says her niece screamed when she saw it! Cool!
I'm off to see my father tomorrow so maybe I will report from the small central Utah town that he lives in! I'm also on a "unique paper" quest. Got to make more beads and necklaces, my inventory is getting very low and I have three large events coming up.
Way hot temperature-wise at the People's Market today but I SHOOK THE HAND OF THE MAYOR OF SALT LAKE! no, it really is true. Mayor Ralph Becker shook my hand and said, "Remind of your name!" I know you are stunned but it is not so amazing since I had him as a teacher for at class at the University of Utah while working on my Master degree in Education. Yes, I reminded him I DID pass the class! He is an Environmental lawyer! We need more science minded people in politics! Anyway, I won't wash my hand for a few days!
I was thrilled to talk to the German lady who has bags of cloth material at home. She ask if she could pick out some of her favorite cloth and have me make a necklace for her out of it! Humm... let me think - HECK YES! I love doing that! We have a date next Sunday!

Friday, July 25, 2008

I've been tagged - 6 quirky things I do?

Lisa! You know more about me than everyone in the world except maybe for Terry and my friend Jo-Lynne (who is in Utah right now visiting from her home in New Zealand). And funny thing is, when she introduced me to her new hubby she says, "Hun, she's a counter too". (not a counter as in countertop but as in 1-2-3-etc)


1. I count everything and it drives me nuts. My husband said one day "you are not a counter otherwise you'd know how many steps there are going downstairs" Before he got the whole world 'stairs' out of his mouth I said, "13". He stared blankly at me, I'm not kidding.

I told Jo-Lynne's hubby I had 189 more days of work before retirement and he laughed.

(by the way, Lisa, do you know how addicting those little charts are that tell exactly how old your girls are? I've been know to watch it to see if it changes right at 12:00 midnight or not)

2. I make up elaborate things to do to stop myself from counting. Like I will repeat one number several times to on purpose to mess up my counting so I have to say, "oh well, you've messed up now so you better just stop!"

3. I've just realized this year that I have a very extensive phone phobia. I can't get myself to call people if I think about making the call much at all. I get cold sweats, stomach ache, and very agitated trying to decide if I should or should not call someone. I have to just go do it and not think about it - but that is not as easy as it sounds.

4. I have to do things immediately or I'm afraid I will forget to do it. I sent in my sales tax form after the first day at the People's Market only to find out that it was the only form they were going to give me and I was to send it in AFTER I finish all my days there! Oops. I also am perpetually early to appointments - embarrisingly early sometimes.

5. I don't like to walk on my carpet if I just put lotion on my feet. I have to take shoes to the bathroom so as I finish one foot I can slip on my shoe.

6. I have to eat the most curly end of a tortilla chip first. And the worst of all, bad enough that I have to do a #7:

7. I can not continue working on a necklace made of beads, if I drop one - I have to get down on my knees, usually with a flashlight, and search the floor until I find the little bugger. If I can't find it, I can eventually stop and get back to work but I remember! and even days later when I stumble upon it, I check it off that little list I have made in my mind, "OK, that one is accounted for!" I say to myself. I can't remember a phone number any more but I know all the beads I have dropped!

Ok, Lisa and all else reading this. Now you have to consciously start see all the other weird quirks you have and report 6 NEW ONES next month!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Smelled like Rain this morning

What a spectacular morning today was! I love the smell of rain, maybe it is the smell of wet rocks that I like. When I was very young I would suck on small pebbles to try and get that taste off of the rocks... Ok, enough self disclosure!
There was a 30 % chance of rain at the People's Market last Sunday, but we lucked out - no rain. Or maybe we didn't because it was quite muggy. Hot and muggy is not a good combination. A great day however. I have to thank Martha for the opportunity to make a "love note" necklace for her niece for her wedding. Martha typed the phrase; "Christina loves Eric" in very small type, and in lots of pastel colors and then emailed it to me asking to make a rolled paper necklace out of the phrases. It was in a smiliar style to my nieces "love note" necklace (pictured in the previous blog) using tube shaped beads. I also added 6mm bicone Swarovski crystals (in pastel colors) to the necklace. I randomly placed three Swarovski crystals on each of the 5 strands of the necklace. It looked beautiful and so romantic! Sorry I didn't have time to get a picture. I barely finished late Saturday night so I could give it to Martha at the People's Market. Martha said she'd try and get a picture and send it back to me. Anyway - Have a great wedding day Christina and Eric! Also have a happy adventure through life together!
Wonderful food at the People's Market and not as hectic and crowded as the Farmer's Market at Pioneer Park on Saturdays! Really! I'm not kidding - you should come because you can also walk through the International Peace Garden after a tour of the market. Today's picture is from the Peace Garden!

And... International Peace Garden is having a big celebration on August 16th (Saturday) with Speakers, music and dancing, international food booths and boutique items! From 12:00 noon to 5:00pm. 1060 South 900 West in SLC. I think the garden is one of the little known best secret places of Salt Lake City!
I can't wait to see Jo-Lynne this week. She and her new hubby are flying in to Utah from their home in New Zealand for a visit. Jo-Lynne, my youngest sister, and I all went to Italy on vacation in 1994. She is like my best friend forever and I can't wait to catch up on all the news!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Selle's Love note Necklace Set

I had my Grand niece and nephew write something to their mom. Kelly wrote, "I love you Mom, Kelly 8". Coleton wrote his name and the number 5 for his age. I carefully cut those words out making each word into a paper bead. On one strand of the five strand necklace, I put the beads "Kelly" and "8". They are in dark blue in the inner strand. In a middle strand on gray and black paper are the beads "Coleton" and "5". Then on the lowest strand again in blues are four final beads: "I" "Love" "you" and "Mom".
The rest of the beads turned out to be very fun. They are cut from several different kinds of discarded security envelopes like from bank statements. The reason I used them was, 1. I needed to match the colors of the papers the kids chose to write on for their Mom. I didn't want to dictate any colors. 2. I've always wanted to try security envelopes and thought they'd look a lot like Chinese porcelain beads and they do! I varied the length so that the kid's note beads would look more natural amongst them.
I used: nearly 200 silver colored metal daisy spacers, about 200 Czech Seed Beads 6/0 'Witches Brew' Black & Iris Mix, 93 Swarovski 4mm crystals of the color, "Glacier Blue", 3 security envelopes, about 1 cup of poly acrylic finish and necessary beading wire, clasps, crimps, etc. to finish the set. But, as they say in the commercials, "PRICELESS".

Monday, July 14, 2008

July 14, 2008 Mammogram, Bone Density day - wahoo.

I'm not sure humble is the word to use after a mammogram. What is it about that procedure that is so *&)%+ uncomfortable? Is uncomfortable the correct word to use? Mortified is a bit closer... But then again I like the word disfigured also. But my experience is over for another year! YEAH!
July 13th People's Market - a lot more vendors! A lot more visitors! But no Native American dancers. But, like oh my heck (yes, born and raised in Utah) "Big John's Cajun Barbeque" was to die for! I usually don't partake of the food at the Market. Why? Humm.... I guess I don't want to be stuffing my face just as that millionaire fashion guru chooses that exact moment to step up to my booth and offer to buy my complete inventory! It could happen! I just hate wrestling with food and trying to talk to people - ugly stuff stuck in your teeth, goobers running down your face and shirt... but you HAVE to come and try Big John's food - I was like in hog heaven for a few moments!
I also finally broke down and bought a gorgeous mosaic flower pot from my friend Debbie. She'll be back later on this summer with her "Smashing Art".
I'm working on a "Love note necklace" for my OTHER NIECE with a HOLE in her HEART!!!!
I have Swiss cheese for relatives! My necklace partner and Embracelets owner will now be having her heart repaired like her older sister - so her two beautiful children wrote notes for her and I'm making it into a necklace. I'll post a picture as soon as it is done. I'm using security envelopes to make the necklace out of - there is hidden meaning in using that paper.

Monday, July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008 - New Cement and another day at the People's Market

The first two photos are of my new cement driveway and front walkway. We are SO fancy now! I actually have two cement front porch steps like fancy people on the East side of town! (our temporary front step only lasted 10-11 years. Thank goodness it was just temporary!)
The July 6 People's Market was the best yet! Tons of people visited (but less vendors came) and bought better than ever before. But the highlight of the day had to be the Aztec dancers. Those are the other picture, you thought I just wanted to show the orange port o'potties didn't you!
The costumes are fantastic but my favorite was a little boy (about 4 years old) who danced his little heart out and won the admiration of everyone watching. He was dancing next to what I would guess was his mother. His Dad (just guessing) was carefully making sure there were no sharp sticks in the grass around where his family was dancing. They danced one dance then some females of the group picked out some of the better dancers who got to go to a center circle and dance. This little guy was picked to go to the center and he was so thrilled and kept turning around to wave to his Mom. He danced with such concentration and exaggeration that he had two of us post-menopausal women crying! My video part of my camera didn't seem to work but with the two pictures you can at least see how decorative the dancers were and the little boy next to his kneeling Mother! Oh, my little booth again with the new "recycled" sign had to have a picture taken also.
News flashes:
I've been invited to participate in the "Rocky Mountain Art and Antiques Show" at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City on November 14, 15, 16th. The promoter who approached me said my work looks more like art to her than just jewelry so would I please consider doing a booth! Now that is a compliment! I think I'll do it!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...