Lisa! You know more about me than everyone in the world except maybe for Terry and my friend Jo-Lynne (who is in Utah right now visiting from her home in New Zealand). And funny thing is, when she introduced me to her new hubby she says, "Hun, she's a counter too". (not a counter as in countertop but as in 1-2-3-etc)
1. I count everything and it drives me nuts. My husband said one day "you are not a counter otherwise you'd know how many steps there are going downstairs" Before he got the whole world 'stairs' out of his mouth I said, "13". He stared blankly at me, I'm not kidding.
I told Jo-Lynne's hubby I had 189 more days of work before retirement and he laughed.
(by the way, Lisa, do you know how addicting those little charts are that tell exactly how old your girls are? I've been know to watch it to see if it changes right at 12:00 midnight or not)
2. I make up elaborate things to do to stop myself from counting. Like I will repeat one number several times to on purpose to mess up my counting so I have to say, "oh well, you've messed up now so you better just stop!"
3. I've just realized this year that I have a very extensive phone phobia. I can't get myself to call people if I think about making the call much at all. I get cold sweats, stomach ache, and very agitated trying to decide if I should or should not call someone. I have to just go do it and not think about it - but that is not as easy as it sounds.
4. I have to do things immediately or I'm afraid I will forget to do it. I sent in my sales tax form after the first day at the People's Market only to find out that it was the only form they were going to give me and I was to send it in AFTER I finish all my days there! Oops. I also am perpetually early to appointments - embarrisingly early sometimes.
5. I don't like to walk on my carpet if I just put lotion on my feet. I have to take shoes to the bathroom so as I finish one foot I can slip on my shoe.
6. I have to eat the most curly end of a tortilla chip first. And the worst of all, bad enough that I have to do a #7:
7. I can not continue working on a necklace made of beads, if I drop one - I have to get down on my knees, usually with a flashlight, and search the floor until I find the little bugger. If I can't find it, I can eventually stop and get back to work but I remember! and even days later when I stumble upon it, I check it off that little list I have made in my mind, "OK, that one is accounted for!" I say to myself. I can't remember a phone number any more but I know all the beads I have dropped!
Ok, Lisa and all else reading this. Now you have to consciously start see all the other weird quirks you have and report 6 NEW ONES next month!
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