***Every Sunday through Oct. 10am-3pm People's Market 1000 So. 900 West SLC
*** I "heart" Utah Festival, Saturday July 18th at Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, Utah 10am-7pm

It is so fun to see familiar faces. Thanks for coming by!
I'll be making Harley Davidson necklaces for men this week. I have a special order in for a man's necklace made from a Harley magazine so words show up on the beads that relate to motorcycle riding. In between the Harley beads will be orange and silver beads with a silver motorcycle pendant. It is easier to make several once you get going so maybe stop by my booth later this month and I'll have one for you also.
Besides the motorcycle special order necklace, I had a request by a gentleman to make him a necklace with pure black paper beads with silver in between. This was a "guy" week, I guess. The black paper beads look like black oiled leather, they are quite beautiful I must say!
I know I promised to begin men's and boy's jewelry last fall, but... but... well, I just like girl's stuff the best I suppose! But I shall begin.
I also promised to make more bracelets! Ok, OK! I'll do that also!
I just sorted through all my cloth scraps this morning and have them separated by color so I can go into major production with more cloth scrap beads. I saw some scraps tday that were from my old dresses back in the 1950's. I think I'll have to make jewelry for myself from some of the great "memory cloths". One cloth scrap was from my "rick-rack" dress. Rows and rows of rick-rack on cloth that had little red and blue sail boats. The gathered shirt of the dress was so full that I could hold onto the hem on each side and raise my hands above my head with still plenty of material in the skirt left to still cover my knees in front. If I twirled just right, the skirt would stand straight out like a ballerina skirt!
So how was your 4th of July? Most of my relatives (sister's families) got together at my parents old home and watched the fireworks from their front lawn. That would have been fun to have seen all the kids! The hubby and I decided to go see a Bees baseball game and then watch the fireworks afterwords for the 4th of July. Good intentions - We decided to go down early Saturday morning and buy the tickets and how harsh! they were all SOLD OUT! I guess 4th of July at the Old Derks Field (I can't remember what the new name is... some phone company, I think) is pretty popular now. It is so fun to ride TRAX downtown to the ball field and then stand with everyone and wait for the TRAX train to head back home afterwards in the summertime! That's when I know summer is here, it is still pleasantly warm outside at midnight!
So not only do you have the People's Market on July 12th to attend, but don't forget the:

at Thanksgiving Point on Saturday, July 18th! Tons of fun! Farmer's Market, Crafts Market, Entertainment, Prizes, Food, Games! A whole day of celebrating UTAH! FREE entrance. http://www.iheartut.com/ for all the details.
I am excited!
I'll be in the big tent - see you there.
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