So I happened to recklessly and half teasingly mention at lunch with the ladies that I'd like a paper bead lanyard please!
And good grief, I think another branch of my business has just been born.
You could have interchangeable necklaces to clip onto the ID badge and look
totally hot every day!
So I've ordered some clips and hope to have a few prototypes out by the end of the
Thanksgiving holiday.
_________________And good grief, I think another branch of my business has just been born.
You could have interchangeable necklaces to clip onto the ID badge and look
totally hot every day!
So I've ordered some clips and hope to have a few prototypes out by the end of the
Thanksgiving holiday.
Now another matter - my glasses. A lot of people have looked at them like they think I am crazy. Yes, I know the bifocal part is way high and I look like I was afraid to tell the eyeglass makers they messed up but I LIKE THEM THIS WAY!
You see, most of my life is spent reading books,
correcting papers and
working on the computer.
So my bifocal part is very high so I don't have to tip my head way back to look through a normally placed bifocal like in the picture above - can you say "neck ache"!
I can read everything at computer distance with ease and comfort
and I don't have to look and search all over for my "reading" glasses.
correcting papers and
working on the computer.
So my bifocal part is very high so I don't have to tip my head way back to look through a normally placed bifocal like in the picture above - can you say "neck ache"!
I can read everything at computer distance with ease and comfort
and I don't have to look and search all over for my "reading" glasses.
Outside of the bifocal part of the glasses is where I can see distances -
distances like the kid in the back of the room throwing eraser ends at other students!
I don't have to find another pair of glasses to see those little darlings
and I can drive the car great with this remainder part of my glasses
and speaking of that I can read the instrument panel of the car with my bifocal part real well - without having to tip my head way back!
Now the only thing is when I do beading... I need closeup lenses!
Ah, you say, "why not get TRIfocals?"
I refuse to go trifocal lenses, don't even push it!
These days I just go to the Dollar Store and buy about 10
of their $1.00 reading glasses in about +4 strength and
scatter them all over the house.
Now when I sit down to roll beads or string beads,
I just pop on a pair of close-up glasses.
That's the only time I have to change glasses.
So it all works for me and that's what is important. Don't look at me so funny,
I may be old but I still get a creative thought every couple of years of so!
There is still plenty of time for Christmas orders - do you have a special paper for a special person in mind? email me: bbwright98@hotmail.com
Think about beads with words on them, in your own handwriting, saying words of love or encouragement!
I don't have to find another pair of glasses to see those little darlings
and I can drive the car great with this remainder part of my glasses
and speaking of that I can read the instrument panel of the car with my bifocal part real well - without having to tip my head way back!
Now the only thing is when I do beading... I need closeup lenses!
Ah, you say, "why not get TRIfocals?"
I refuse to go trifocal lenses, don't even push it!
These days I just go to the Dollar Store and buy about 10
of their $1.00 reading glasses in about +4 strength and
scatter them all over the house.
Now when I sit down to roll beads or string beads,
I just pop on a pair of close-up glasses.
That's the only time I have to change glasses.
So it all works for me and that's what is important. Don't look at me so funny,
I may be old but I still get a creative thought every couple of years of so!
There is still plenty of time for Christmas orders - do you have a special paper for a special person in mind? email me: bbwright98@hotmail.com
Think about beads with words on them, in your own handwriting, saying words of love or encouragement!
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