So... we have all the electrics done. A lot of wires had to be moved when we removed the soffits! And of course plugs were moved and wires fished through walls and such. That's all done! The plumber has OK'd everything so all he has to do is re-hook up when the cabinets are placed in.
The drywaller is coming tomorrow to start putting the room back together. When he has re-sheetrocked and mudded, then we can paint.
When painting is done then we can lay the floor tiles (my beautiful black and white checkerboard squares).

The cabinets will be done before Feb. 14th. They are red oak (a lighter color) in the kitchen but the dining room will have one wall with large drawers in a red cherrywood color underneath a counter (a white Corian countertop like the kitchen) and then my beautiful Early Federal Hutch (with double S shaped glass in front -
picture to the left) can sit on top of the Corian counter and ontop of the similarly stained drawers underneath. This color will give the dining area a slightly different look. Remember, the dining area will have the ox-blood red chairs with bistro tables.
The other end of this room is a work room/library also with red oak cabinets. So the contrast of the redder cherry or mahogany color in between the lighter oak will break the room up nicely, yet tie them together.
Included pictures are a sneak peak of my JennAir range, and the hood (we had to hang it to get the hole made for the vent outside). The hood came immediately back down for the dry-waller tomorrow!
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