Of course there is People's Market every Sunday through Oct!
from 10am to 3pm at
Jordan Park 1000 South and 900 West
Salt Lake City
(Peaches are coming on now! and may I say, "Oh my gosh" because the tomatoes are here!)
Plus probably a gazillion craft and food vendors.
(have I mentioned how much I like the Argentine Empanadas?)
But did you know: Saturday, September the 12th is:from 10am to 3pm at
Jordan Park 1000 South and 900 West
Salt Lake City
(Peaches are coming on now! and may I say, "Oh my gosh" because the tomatoes are here!)
Plus probably a gazillion craft and food vendors.
(have I mentioned how much I like the Argentine Empanadas?)
Saturday, September 12th
9th Avenue between D and I Streets
in The Avenues of Salt Lake City
9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Check out their website for all the details: http://www.slc-avenues.org/streetfair09.htm
This is a very popular fair and you don't want to miss it!
Then come to a wonderful fund raiser and craft fair on Friday, September the 25th:The Mount Olympus Fall Craft Fair
Friday, Sept. 25th
from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
at Mount Olympus Center
1635 East Murray-Holladay Road (4780 So.)
All arts and crafts must be new and handmade by the seller!
Friday, Sept. 25th
from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
at Mount Olympus Center
1635 East Murray-Holladay Road (4780 So.)
All arts and crafts must be new and handmade by the seller!
That's the kind of Fair I like - great original gifts for the holidays!
AND support our senior citizens!
I will be at Both sellin' the recycled Jewelry!
AND support our senior citizens!
I will be at Both sellin' the recycled Jewelry!
Ok, and yes I made it through the first week of school, barely. But I've made a great discovery.
Have you ever heard of J-41 Shoes? (or Jeep-41 shoes?) I was near crippled by the end of the second day of school. My feet hurt so bad! If I can't retire (I can't afford health insurance so I must work even though I'm almost as old as dirt but younger than Medicare), but if I must continue working then I figured there must be, out there somewhere, a stylish heeled shoe that I can stand and walk in all day.
So just go to zappos.com and take a look. I really, really love that store and I love my new shoes, so much so that I loaded up every other pair of shoes I hate to wear, no matter how cute (an embarrassingly large sack) and will send them with no regrets to the second-hand store! You don't happen to need any 8.5 size shoes, do you?
Have you ever heard of J-41 Shoes? (or Jeep-41 shoes?) I was near crippled by the end of the second day of school. My feet hurt so bad! If I can't retire (I can't afford health insurance so I must work even though I'm almost as old as dirt but younger than Medicare), but if I must continue working then I figured there must be, out there somewhere, a stylish heeled shoe that I can stand and walk in all day.
For heavens sake, they have put men on the moon!
We even talked to the men on the moon,
has not technology progressed enough to make a
like an...
ok, like AN OLD WOMAN?
For cryin' out loud!
So it has been a mission for me. I researched for two days and nights! Because of the good reviews from women like me, I choose to try J-41 brand of shoes and I choose to buy them "on-line" through one of my most favorite store: www.zappos.com If you don't like the shoes you buy from Zappos, at all, for any reason, you just send them back within.... I can't remember how many weeks, but they even pay the return postage! And my shoes arrived, I kid you not, in TWO DAYS! and I paid NO postage! And I am in love. I wore my J-41 "Lyons" the first day I got them with total comfort so I wore them again today! AND, I think I'll wear them tomorrow also! YES! two days in a row and tomorrow is a lab day! I LOVE THEM. I also bought the "cosmos" and wore them all day Saturday chasing around town with my hubby! And dang, I looked good. Even my husband said, "Those are good looking shoes!" A wee bit pricey but if I only buy two or three pair of shoes and wear them over and over instead of 50 shoes I only wear once... you see my point, I'm sure.We even talked to the men on the moon,
has not technology progressed enough to make a
like an...
ok, like AN OLD WOMAN?
For cryin' out loud!
So just go to zappos.com and take a look. I really, really love that store and I love my new shoes, so much so that I loaded up every other pair of shoes I hate to wear, no matter how cute (an embarrassingly large sack) and will send them with no regrets to the second-hand store! You don't happen to need any 8.5 size shoes, do you?