I bought myself a scrumptious Iced Coffee Mocha with real grated Mexican chocolate from Mexicali's (6th West and North Temple), then I bought a bag of apricots! and of course had to get more Soy Wax melty things to put in my Scentsy warmer. I love the smell of scented candles but refuse to burn them in my house so I melt them to release the scent. When you use SOY wax you can use the melted wax as a skin softener! It rubs right into your skin - chalk full of Vitamin E! I have hot soy wax to put on my heels after most every shower - what luxury!
So anyway, back to me. I have a lot of special orders this week. I need to make two necklaces from paper with a USA flag on it for the couple who donated a ton of pages of these paper USA flags. Then make a bracelet out of the graduation program from a gal who finally returned to high school to get her diploma - that one will be cool! Then I must make another Bible pages necklace with black beads accenting the Bible beads. I have to cut more sheet music pages to make music note paper beads and get at least two more necklaces out of that. Then a request for more Harley-Davidson necklaces! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU'VE BEEN WANTING?
Now is the time to order!
Hopefully I will soon get the call saying, "Yes, you are invited to vend your paper jewelry during the Avenues Street Festival". This festival is one of the best attended festivals in Salt Lake. It will be on Saturday, September the 12th! 10am to 6pm. We should get word by Aug 15th as to who has been accepted! Keep your toes crossed!
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