Who can I thank for that favor?
It made a perfect day for the People's Market and we had quite the crowd. It was officially "book day" at the Market. (Did you see the Market on Channel 5 news yesterday?) I personally gave away about 2 dozen books. I thank, once more, all the people who kindly took books from me so I wouldn't have to throw them away!
It sure seemed like everyone was having fun. One gal who came to my booth stopped suddenly, pulled out her cell phone and called someone saying, "you ought to come down here to this market, they have so much stuff. Yeah, it's really cool!"
I agree, the market is only bigger and better every week and now with even more farmer's vending their produce!
If George is out there and still wants his Harley-Davidson special order necklace, I have it and will bring it to the next few markets unless you email me, then I will mail it to you!
Because of George's special order, I now have a rush on making more beads out of Harley Davidson motorcycle advertisements and magazine articles. (See: www.bowenwright.com to see the special order necklace yourself). I should have several copies of this necklace for sale next Sunday. I will also email pictures to those of you who have already asked about them as soon as I am finished!
This is my last week before school starts again. Teachers have to report back at my school on Monday the 17th of August! So I am working like crazy now to get tons of projects done to sell the rest of the season.
What's coming up, you ask:
The Avenues Street Festival is Saturday, September the 12th and the People's Market runs every Sunday through the end of October! Come see us Sunday mornings, 10am to 3pm at 1000 South and 900 West - in the Jordan Park which is in front of the gate opening into the International Peace Gardens. The Jordan River Parkway runs right through the Peace Gardens so hop on your bicycle and ride down a beautiful path into the beautiful Gardens and on into a beautiful craft and marketplace! And all for FREE! What could be better? Ok, all the food, crafts and produce you can buy would be better and you can do that also!
See you there!
P.S. my cell phone is broke so if you need to contact me before I can get a new one, please email: bbwright98@hotmail.com
What else have I been up to that I should report on? Saw the newly married Mac's new home! Wow, fancy smancy! and soaked in a lot of my own yard's summerness! No, I did not climb to the top of Mt. Olympus - remember, I'm old! But I must say Hi, to two girls:
HI KARMEN! HI AVA! --- let's get together this week, any day is good for me!
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