I just finished the book, "Stuff, compulsive hoarding and the meaning of things". I read it in two days - very, very interesting. Case studies of people with hoarding problems of all kinds were discussed, then how they were treated (if they could be treated), and what might have started their hoarding. But what it did to me was make me feel guilty. I don't form deep bonds with stuff but I do get lazy and defer sifting out unneeded stuff until I need the room or I'm re-modeling or something. But as I would read this book, I felt the need to get up and clean something out - like all my old saved letters and cards. Those of you who got some really old letters returned to you, I hope you can pass them on as historical treasures to your offspring. It's not that they didn't mean anything to me, it's that now they need to be returned and not simply destroyed like my closet full of useless cloth scraps. I'm just not going to make that quilt I always thought I would! (I didn't throw away ALL my scrap paper for making beads! but it is whittled down to a manageable size now!)
I'm still only doing special order paper bead necklaces as I take it easy this summer. I hate not being at the People's market and other fairs but I found that the heat really bothers my head and headaches so check out the links to pictures of necklaces I have made and see if there is something you need for all the ladies in your life to make them true RECYCLERS!
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