Monday, November 30, 2009

No more out and about selling at booths - this is Special Order Time!

If there is something you want, don't be afraid to call: 801-209-1382 and make an date to come by and pick something up at my shop (you can always leave a message and I'll get right back with you).
I'm available after 4pm weekdays and most anytime on weekends.
Maybe you already know what you want, just call and I'll get it made for you!

You can also buy on my
Etsy site:

Friday, November 27, 2009

We Made It Through Thanksgiving

Stick Figure Family at
Make your Stick Figure Family at

We actually cooked a turkey! For those that know us, that is quite an amazing accomplishment. We also baked some sweet potatoes and had store bought rolls, that's all! It was a start. Cooking is not our thing! Cats wouldn't eat any turkey but I thought it was good. Cats are picky. Cats can hurt your feelings. We're not going to invite cats next year.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Move Over Necklaces, Here Comes Paper Bead Lanyards for ID

Yes, it finally happened! We now have to wear ID badges at work. I have been advocating them for many years but now that I have to wear one it's like (as my 7th graders would say) "totally messing up my outfit!"
So I happened to recklessly and half teasingly mention at lunch with the ladies that I'd like a paper bead lanyard please!
And good grief, I think another branch of my business has just been born.

You could have interchangeable necklaces to clip onto the ID badge and look
totally hot every day!
So I've ordered some clips and hope to have a few prototypes out by the end of the
Thanksgiving holiday.


Now another matter - my glasses. A lot of people have looked at them like they think I am crazy. Yes, I know the bifocal part is way high and I look like I was afraid to tell the eyeglass makers they messed up but I LIKE THEM THIS WAY!
You see, most of my life is spent reading books,
correcting papers and
working on the computer.
So my bifocal part is very high so I don't have to tip my head way back to look through a normally placed bifocal like in the picture above - can you say "neck ache"!
I can read everything at computer distance with ease and comfort
and I don't have to look and search all over for my "reading" glasses.

Outside of the bifocal part of the glasses is where I can see distances -
distances like the kid in the back of the room throwing eraser ends at other students!
I don't have to find another pair of glasses to see those little darlings
and I can drive the car great with this remainder part of my glasses
and speaking of that I can read the instrument panel of the car with my bifocal part real well - without having to tip my head way back!
Now the only thing is when I do beading... I need closeup lenses!
Ah, you say, "why not get TRIfocals?"
I refuse to go trifocal lenses, don't even push it!
These days I just go to the Dollar Store and buy about 10
of their $1.00 reading glasses in about +4 strength and
scatter them all over the house.
Now when I sit down to roll beads or string beads,
I just pop on a pair of close-up glasses.
That's the only time I have to change glasses.

So it all works for me and that's what is important. Don't look at me so funny,
I may be old but I still get a creative thought every couple of years of so!

There is still plenty of time for Christmas orders - do you have a special paper for a special person in mind? email me:
Think about beads with words on them, in your own handwriting, saying words of love or encouragement!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Got My Copy of "1000 Creative Ideas for Reuse" by G. Johnson

So I came home from work Friday, starving to death as usual. I got a cold piece of chicken out of the frig and started the greasy mess of eating it when my husband decided to check the front porch to see if his "something-we-don't-need" came in the mail.
Yes, there was a box, but it was addressed to me! Open it! I asked Terry politely but firmly since I was greasy, and oh my heck (yes I am from Utah) is was my copy of

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse by Garth Johnson.
I was in this book! But I didn't know which of all the pictures I submitted were chosen so I was really anxious to see what necklace or necklaces they thought were cool enough to put in the book. My hubby starts flipping through the book for me (it is 300+ pages). I said, "it has to be in the jewelry section" so he found chapter 3 and started through page by page. Now you need to know there are one to four pictures per page and when you are anxious, that is a lot of pictures to look through.
Chapter 3 starts on page 103, hubby turns the pages, I want to jump in and do it for him but again, I am greasy! I do not see anything familiar, a lot of cool ideas, however, and a lot of good photography.
I took my own pictures, how can they compete with all these great shots! "Which of my pictures looked sort of professional enough for them to choose?" I try to think as I skim each page quickly with my eyes.

Page after page goes by, I'm about to cry! "maybe they made a mistake and I wasn't really in the book" I whine to my hubby.
So he flips a bit faster, we are up to page145 and still nothing I recognize as mine...
Then, wait, stop, go back! There on page 148 is something I recognize, "yes that is one of my security envelope necklaces" Oh my heck! My photography doesn't look so bad at all! I have one picture in the book! That's ok, at least there is one. Terry flips quickly through the rest, neither of us see anything else.
I finish my chicken, It's ok. One picture is better than none and I'm proud anyway!
But I wash up and decide to look just one more time, just a bit more carefully! And boy am I glad I did. There on page 159 is one of my Sunday Comic strip cartoon necklaces! It looks great! WoW! Now I am really happy. Now I am like almost a super star!
Two whole pictures in the book.

So I decide to go backwards through the jewelry section and holy crap! I have another picture on page 158 - how did I miss that. It was one of my favorites, a 7-strand junk mail necklace! Man that looks good. I can't believe my luck, I keep flipping backward and I don't believe it again! A fourth picture! Now I am jumping and screaming at the same time and Terry is laughing and saying;
"Don't you dare pop a patch in your nose now!"
So I am also in there a fourth time on page 147 with a Bible pages necklace.

I was flattered with one, but with FOUR pictures?

This makes up for all the times I tried out and didn't make cheerleader, all the times I was not asked to the prom and even makes up for all the times I was the last one chosen to be on the team in P.E. class! I can't believe it.

At the back of the book all the contributors are listed with name, email addresses and web pages.
And the best part! I got so many ideas already from the book that I can't wait to get back to my studio and begin! I AM INSPIRED ANEW!

See you at the Family Christmas Show, Nov. 13th, 14th and 15th at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah! (I'll have a copy of the book there for you to look over if you would like!)

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...