Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's BALLET season again!

Did I ever mention how much I love ballet?  How much I wanted to take dance lessons as a child but my mother kept telling my my legs were too thick and I was too short!  

So I got the piano lessons instead - which wasn't all bad.  I love the piano also and lessons taught me concentration, memorization skills, and how to practice, practice, practice and patiently wait for the results. 

In fact, I was the only one of my brothers and sisters who didn't quickly tire of their lessons - whether dance (my TALL with thin legs sister hated it) or piano.  So my mother gave me the family piano and then many years later as an adult, when I loaned my youngest sister the piano for her daughter to take lessons while my hubby and I remodeled our home, my mother gave away my piano.  I'm still in shock and pain over that one....  oh well, with all I learned from piano lessons I was able to graduate from college with a master's degree and now make enough money to buy whatever damn piano I could ever want!

Oh, but I digress, Carmina Burana opens this Friday, Oct 29th I have like really up-close seats for the hubby and I  can't wait!
 I took a friend to see a ballet rehearsal last week.  Imagine sitting on folding chairs about 3feet from real live ballet dancers whose sweat and pain you can see in their muscles and faces as they practice, and practice and practice until the get the perfect results!  What dedication those artists have for their craft.  They could all just be sitting at home watching TV but instead they choose to dedicate themselves to give some beauty to people like me who have too thick and too short of legs to ever be good dancers but who dream and live that beauty they create.

Be brave, be grateful and go buy some ballet tickets this season!  I suggest if you are a first timer - be sure to go to Sleeping Beauty in Feb of 2011.  That one is both fun and beautiful and a good way to break into Ballet. Do it - you owe it to yourself and these fine artists!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...