Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Well is it ever so close to 2010

I never thought I'd live old enough to see the year 2000 - that was 10 years ago now, old stuff!
Time flies. Thanks to all for a wonderful year.
A small hick-up with my nose dripping spinal fluid this year - but that is fixed and hopefully is in the past.
Good things from this year? ... well the beaded lanyard business is doing super good. I figure I made 20 lanyards to raise money for sub-for-Santa this year. Teachers at our school now wear identification cards, but why wear an old, stuffy, boring lanyard when you can have a handmade "recycled bead" lanyard with a THEME.
I did a recipe and food picture bead lanyard for a cooking (CTE) teacher, an American Constitution, revolutionary soldiers, George Washington bead lanyard for a history teacher, An math worksheet bead lanyard for the math teacher, Sheet music bead lanyards for the choir and band teachers, a comic strip lanyard for the art teacher, A "Twilight" (glow in the light) paper bead lanyard for me! (I teach science can't you see the connection?)
And lots of lanyards that just match outfits better than a gross red nylon thingy!

Then today, the sewing teacher (my very good friend) and I did a cooperative class and taught kids how to make art projects out of re-cycled stuff that usually gets thrown away. It was great to see the enthusiasm of 9th graders (girls AND boys) doing paper collage pictures from old magazines or making paper beads from junk mail! They did great! Maybe the tradition will carry on after I am gone!
It was fun teaching them my hobby. We used stir sticks (you can buy them in bulk at Costco) to roll the beads onto and then we just coated them in Elmer's glue and some were even able to string them on stretchy string to make a bracelet or anklet during our limited time together.
I'd like to continue this tradition also!
So, what will 2010 bring? Hopefully more fun!
Best Wishes to You All!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Remembrance Necklaces - Let me show you some ideas:

One of my biggest custom orders requests is for "Remembrance" necklaces. They are not necessarily to be worn but sure can be worn. I just finished an order for 4 necklaces made from a relatives obituary and funeral service program for his mother, two sisters and a brother. They are very special to those who give them, and I hope they are special to those who receive them. I love doing them.

But think of the other special occasions people may want to remember.
I recently did a bracelet out of a graduation ceremony program for a gal who finally went back and got her certificate after 10 years of marriage and 3 kids.

How about celebrating an anniversary or write letters on beads to best friends or grandchildren!
Keep forever your own handwriting and own words!
There are lots of ideas and sometimes don't we all need something to be the keeper of our memories.

Monday, November 30, 2009

No more out and about selling at booths - this is Special Order Time!

If there is something you want, don't be afraid to call: 801-209-1382 and make an date to come by and pick something up at my shop (you can always leave a message and I'll get right back with you).
I'm available after 4pm weekdays and most anytime on weekends.
Maybe you already know what you want, just call and I'll get it made for you!

You can also buy on my
Etsy site:

Friday, November 27, 2009

We Made It Through Thanksgiving

Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com

We actually cooked a turkey! For those that know us, that is quite an amazing accomplishment. We also baked some sweet potatoes and had store bought rolls, that's all! It was a start. Cooking is not our thing! Cats wouldn't eat any turkey but I thought it was good. Cats are picky. Cats can hurt your feelings. We're not going to invite cats next year.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Move Over Necklaces, Here Comes Paper Bead Lanyards for ID

Yes, it finally happened! We now have to wear ID badges at work. I have been advocating them for many years but now that I have to wear one it's like (as my 7th graders would say) "totally messing up my outfit!"
So I happened to recklessly and half teasingly mention at lunch with the ladies that I'd like a paper bead lanyard please!
And good grief, I think another branch of my business has just been born.

You could have interchangeable necklaces to clip onto the ID badge and look
totally hot every day!
So I've ordered some clips and hope to have a few prototypes out by the end of the
Thanksgiving holiday.


Now another matter - my glasses. A lot of people have looked at them like they think I am crazy. Yes, I know the bifocal part is way high and I look like I was afraid to tell the eyeglass makers they messed up but I LIKE THEM THIS WAY!
You see, most of my life is spent reading books,
correcting papers and
working on the computer.
So my bifocal part is very high so I don't have to tip my head way back to look through a normally placed bifocal like in the picture above - can you say "neck ache"!
I can read everything at computer distance with ease and comfort
and I don't have to look and search all over for my "reading" glasses.

Outside of the bifocal part of the glasses is where I can see distances -
distances like the kid in the back of the room throwing eraser ends at other students!
I don't have to find another pair of glasses to see those little darlings
and I can drive the car great with this remainder part of my glasses
and speaking of that I can read the instrument panel of the car with my bifocal part real well - without having to tip my head way back!
Now the only thing is when I do beading... I need closeup lenses!
Ah, you say, "why not get TRIfocals?"
I refuse to go trifocal lenses, don't even push it!
These days I just go to the Dollar Store and buy about 10
of their $1.00 reading glasses in about +4 strength and
scatter them all over the house.
Now when I sit down to roll beads or string beads,
I just pop on a pair of close-up glasses.
That's the only time I have to change glasses.

So it all works for me and that's what is important. Don't look at me so funny,
I may be old but I still get a creative thought every couple of years of so!

There is still plenty of time for Christmas orders - do you have a special paper for a special person in mind? email me: bbwright98@hotmail.com
Think about beads with words on them, in your own handwriting, saying words of love or encouragement!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Got My Copy of "1000 Creative Ideas for Reuse" by G. Johnson

So I came home from work Friday, starving to death as usual. I got a cold piece of chicken out of the frig and started the greasy mess of eating it when my husband decided to check the front porch to see if his "something-we-don't-need" came in the mail.
Yes, there was a box, but it was addressed to me! Open it! I asked Terry politely but firmly since I was greasy, and oh my heck (yes I am from Utah) is was my copy of

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse by Garth Johnson.
I was in this book! But I didn't know which of all the pictures I submitted were chosen so I was really anxious to see what necklace or necklaces they thought were cool enough to put in the book. My hubby starts flipping through the book for me (it is 300+ pages). I said, "it has to be in the jewelry section" so he found chapter 3 and started through page by page. Now you need to know there are one to four pictures per page and when you are anxious, that is a lot of pictures to look through.
Chapter 3 starts on page 103, hubby turns the pages, I want to jump in and do it for him but again, I am greasy! I do not see anything familiar, a lot of cool ideas, however, and a lot of good photography.
I took my own pictures, how can they compete with all these great shots! "Which of my pictures looked sort of professional enough for them to choose?" I try to think as I skim each page quickly with my eyes.

Page after page goes by, I'm about to cry! "maybe they made a mistake and I wasn't really in the book" I whine to my hubby.
So he flips a bit faster, we are up to page145 and still nothing I recognize as mine...
Then, wait, stop, go back! There on page 148 is something I recognize, "yes that is one of my security envelope necklaces" Oh my heck! My photography doesn't look so bad at all! I have one picture in the book! That's ok, at least there is one. Terry flips quickly through the rest, neither of us see anything else.
I finish my chicken, It's ok. One picture is better than none and I'm proud anyway!
But I wash up and decide to look just one more time, just a bit more carefully! And boy am I glad I did. There on page 159 is one of my Sunday Comic strip cartoon necklaces! It looks great! WoW! Now I am really happy. Now I am like almost a super star!
Two whole pictures in the book.

So I decide to go backwards through the jewelry section and holy crap! I have another picture on page 158 - how did I miss that. It was one of my favorites, a 7-strand junk mail necklace! Man that looks good. I can't believe my luck, I keep flipping backward and I don't believe it again! A fourth picture! Now I am jumping and screaming at the same time and Terry is laughing and saying;
"Don't you dare pop a patch in your nose now!"
So I am also in there a fourth time on page 147 with a Bible pages necklace.

I was flattered with one, but with FOUR pictures?

This makes up for all the times I tried out and didn't make cheerleader, all the times I was not asked to the prom and even makes up for all the times I was the last one chosen to be on the team in P.E. class! I can't believe it.

At the back of the book all the contributors are listed with name, email addresses and web pages.
And the best part! I got so many ideas already from the book that I can't wait to get back to my studio and begin! I AM INSPIRED ANEW!

See you at the Family Christmas Show, Nov. 13th, 14th and 15th at the South Towne Expo Center in Sandy, Utah! (I'll have a copy of the book there for you to look over if you would like!)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Now This Is Exciting - I'M IN A BOOK!

I just received an email that said basically, if you got this email then your contribution has been selected by the editor and you will be in our new book!
The book is published by Quarry and is:

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse by Garth Johnson
I sent the editor over a dozen pictures of my necklaces made of recycled paper and cloth and I guess at least one of them made it into the book, along with my name and website address!
If you want to see the book ahead of time and browse some of the pages, then check out these links:

ISBN: 9781592535408
November 2009

$31.99 Canadian

1000 photos/illustrations
320 Pages
Size (in): 9 x 9
Size (mm): 227 x 227

1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse

Remake, Restyle, Recycle, Renew
Garth Johnson

Artists and crafters have always been recyclers, but for many, it has not only become a thrifty choice, it has become a moral imperative. 1000 Ideas for Creative Reuse contains a cutting edge collection of the most inventive work being made with re-used, upcycled, and already existing materials. The work in this book ranges from clever and humble personal accessories to unique and important large-scale works of art, including paper art, fashion, jewelry, housewares, interiors, and installations.

Garth Johnson is a studio artist, writer and educator who lives in Eureka, California. In addition to maintaining the website "Extreme Craft" (www.extremecraft.com) Garth writes for CRAFT magazine and his writing has been featured in museum catalogs, magazines, and books worldwide, including a contribution to the upcoming book Handmade Nation from Princeton Architectural Press. His first DVD, ReVision: Recycled Crafts for Earth-Friendly Living will be released by Eyekiss Films later this year.

I get to order a book ahead of time from the publisher - I can't wait to see what to see everything in there.

This is such a good idea! I have fallen in love with recycling!

One of my teacher friends (who teaches sewing) and I (who teaches Earth Science) are doing an integrated unit on recycling. The students have to bring cloth or paper and design jewelry or wall decorations from all recycled products and the products they produce must be viable products, ones that people would actually use.
I'll have to blog on how it goes with pictures and all. We're thinking of actually making the products those few days before Christmas when hands-on lessons are a God-send!

My next public venue is the Family Christmas Gift Show

at the South Towne Expo Center on 9500 South State Street in Sandy, Utah

Nov 13, 14 and 15th! See You There!

or - just call or email and I'll get you the item you want!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

No More People's Market for Me in 2009!

This Sunday, Oct. 25, is the last People's Market for the 2009 year.
I don't think I will be attending.
It looks too cold for me.
Two weeks ago I returned to the market after being ill and Sunday Oct. 10th was COLD by me.
I had to call it quit at about 1:00pm.
I called the hubby to come help me pack up and I went home and sleep under a heated blanket to warm up.
Now last Sunday, the 17th, was spectacular!
Warmed up to 80 degrees they said on the weather report.
I couldn't get enough of that weather.
But this Sunday I hear is going to start out at 35 degrees and go up to 53?
That's just not going to make it for me, so I think I'll bag it for this year. Email with your special orders or requests!
I'll mail them to you with free postage!

I will, however, have a booth at the Family Christmas Show at the South Towne Expo Center. (9575 South State Street in Sandy, Ut). --------->

This is a 3 day event starting Friday, Nov. 13 from 10:am to 9pm, Then on Sat. the 14th from 10:00am to 9:00pm and Sunday Nov 15th from 10:am to 5:00pm. It really is a fun venue to do. I will have my recycled products jewelry along with soy candles for you to give as Christmas gifts.
Give Earth friendly gifts this year!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Two Gorgeous Special Order Necklaces! Sneak Peak

On the top is a picture of a piece of toile cloth my friend fell in love with.
"Could you please make me a chunky, long, 3-strand necklace of this beautiful cloth?"
Voila, the finished product is below the cloth! (I hope you pronounced all that with a French accent to make it more authentic!)
I used antique copper caps and spacers with ernite green and some copper Swarovski crystals in between the spacers on the middle ten beads of each strand - just for a hint of glamour.
My friend is a statuesque, coppery brown haired, green eyed beauty who can easily pull off wearing this 36 inches-in-overall-length attention grabber!
I'm glad she asked me to do it.
I had the best time.
The cloth beads are, of course, soaked in a poly-acrylic sealer so that don't pick up dirt or body oils and can be cleaned with a damp cloth!

Now this set of pictures is pretty fun also.
Without giving too much away, (in case the recipient of this gift reads my blog... hey, it could happen!) a women who I see often at the People's Market asked me to make a necklace for her boss.
She wanted me to use papers with the logo of their place of business and with some of the wording from their directory information.
I used blue iris spacer beads with a "volcano" Swarovski crystal between each paper bead.
The volcano swarovski is mostly blue/gray but when in the sun it shoots out orange sparks which match perfectly with a small orange glint of color on the business logo,
which is otherwise blue.
The necklace is 3-strand and about 28" in overall length.

Well, this is all I have done since being off sick.
I'm feeling way better today.
Almost like my old self again, except my husband says I sound French when I talk (all nasal I guess), Maybe I just sound French from touching so much French Toile cloth!

P.S. Who is sneaking off to Disneyland next week????
You better take a TON of pictures!

Friday, October 2, 2009

I think I better whimp out on one more People's Market

If the weather prediction was for sunny and warm this coming Sunday, I was going to sweet talk my hubby into helping me go to the People's Market, Sunday Oct. 4th. But frankly, I don't think I ought to risk the chance of getting worn down too much with the cold (expected high of 55? Please!) so I am hoping for a beautiful Sunday, Oct 11th! I can not tell you how excited I am to get out of the house and into fresh air, with my friends and sit in the park all morning - I'm STIR CRAZY!
Currently not working on much. One special order for a longer, 3-strand necklace made from material that is a green on beige Toile. I'll use antiqued bronze for accent beads. and I promise to take a picture before delivering!
See you hopefully Oct 11th at People's Market,
Sundays through Oct. 10am-3pm

1000 South and 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Super Science Week: Let's Learn About IIH

I got out of the hospital last Friday. Only 4 days in ICU, and one day in a regular unit then home, home, home. I honestly cried when my husband walked in to get me Friday at about 11:00am.
I feel... um... well, tired, achey, nervous, scared, stiff and sore. That about covers it all.
It seems my doctor, Dr. Peter Ventura of Tooele, Utah is quite the bulldog. He kept shakin' until the pieces started coming together. I love that kind of doctor, he wants to know "why".
First, before starting the operation they kept me awake to do a spinal tap and to monitor the pressure in my spinal fluid because the pressure changes when you go to sleep.
Then Dr. Ventura didn't just fix the obvious leak, he says he remembers that in my initial MRI that I had fluid in one of my upper sinuses. Initially he thought it just spilled over from the hole he found at the top of my nose, but figured since he was up there he'd patch the top of the sinus also, just to cover all bases. So he took a skin graft from my stomach, used glue made from blood taken from punctures on both my ankles. He finished up with a "rhino rocket" packing and out I went from surgery.
Now the hard part; every hour the nurse had to drain 10ml of spinal fluid from my back. I could feel every molecule being pulled out and as they were pulled out, my headache got worse and worse. Thanks for blissful morphine induced sleep!
One day, maybe Tues or Wed, the doctor tells me the problem with my spinal fluid pressure. He says most people are under 20 (whatever the units are, like cm/H2O maybe?) and actually most of those people are 5-10. I, however, was at 30! crap. With that high of pressure I am in serious danger of losing my eyesight. The pressure on the optic nerve as it leaves the eye, going to the brain can lead to permanent damage. So Dr. Ventura sends in an eye specialists to see me immediately in the hospital. Good news, so far no noticable damage!
The next day Dr. says he has been talking to someone and/or researching and there is a drug now, a diruetic, that reduces the amount of CSF and therefore reduces pressure: Diamox. He puts me on this immediately and from Wed afternoon to Thur afternoon they only monitor my spinal pressure without withdrawing any liquid. It stays down around 18! With that, out came spinal tap and out of ICU and to a regular hospital bed. Friday he unpacks the "rhino rocket" and I go home.

But for some light reading check out: www.ihrfoundation.org Click on "What is it" under the title and go to symptoms. Under "other symptoms" it mentions:

"spinal fluid leakage from the nose is the result of high intercranial pressure erosion of the bone separating the skull from the nasal cavity". Hmm, sounds familiar.

Also, for women, it seems that weight loss often helps relieve the cranial pressure problem, not always but often.
I see Dr. Ventura again tomorrow and maybe find out where I go from here besides to Weight Watchers!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I will not be out in public for the next few weeks, BUT...

I will be selling from home and from over the internet!
Read my sad saga:
For those of you who have known me for over 12 years, you may remember my horrible, very bad year of 1997. It started in February with a continually dripping nose - ok, not exactly dripping, more like I had literally sprung a leak! Doctor after doctor kept saying it was allergies and try this and try that. I DON'T HAVE ALLERGIES - NONE, never have!
Well then one month later, in March, I find a lump in my breast and off to the races I go with breast cancer. Surgery at the end of March. Radiation starting in April, ending the first week of June.
But in the mean-time a great doctor decides to test the liquid coming out of my nose and eureka! it is Cerebral Spinal Fluid! "IT'S WHAT?" I said. "My brain juice is dripping out of a hole in my nose!"
Well with all the breast cancer stuff I was going through, we decided to postpone the patching of my nose until beginning of July. They took a patch of skin from inside my right nostril, shoved it up my left nostril and then to make sure the patch takes and doesn't spring a leak again, I had to have my spinal fluid drained down to very low levels and so I lay quietly in a hospital bed for 4 days with a horrendous migraine headache! But, it all worked and by mid-August I was myself again.

That was 12 years ago.
But last Monday, Labor day, I woke up to moisture on my upper lip, didn't think much of it (maybe I drooled a bit?) but as my husband and I were walking up the walk to a restaurant, a giant stream of liquid poured embarrassingly from my left nostril. We were both horrified to say the least. The dripping of liquid got worse each day so today, the 10th, I spent the entire day talking to doctors, enduring scopes pushed up my nose, having MRI and CT scans.
YES, I have sprung a leak AGAIN! WHY ME? Sure it can be fixed and I can most likely get the surgery within the next week but I KNOW WHAT IS COMING UP! The 4-day migraine from HELL!

Anyway now that everyone is bored to tears, that means:
No Bowenwright booth at the Avenues Street Fair this Saturday the 12th!

No booth at the People's Market for probably the rest of September!


I will spend all this time away from People I love loading stuff on to Ebay and Etsy!


I can still mail out purchases from email orders! You can pay by check or paypal!


So keep in touch, I'm just vacant for a bit whilst I deal with "CSF Rhinorrhea"

Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Labor Day - the End of Summer 2009? I Think Not!

Saturday, 12th of Sept.
on 9th Avenue between D and I streets!
from 9:00am to 6:00pm
see: www.slc-avenues.org
for more details of events!

I will be between F and G avenues on the north side of the street,
11 positions east of "F'' street.

So, was it windy yesterday or was I just having a very BAD hair day?
I have to thank all those who braved the wind to come and be apart of the People's Market yesterday. Those of us who are vendors were exhausted by the end of the Market from pulling down tents, chasing blowing merchandise and produce, and holding onto table legs! I was so tired when I got home. I felt I had run a 10 mile marathon!
Several visitors dared say they "liked" the wind because it kept the air from being so sultry! Get me hot still air any day!
By the end of the day my hair was in dredlocks,
My eyes were literally blown tearless - dry to the bone
and my skin was like an old used baseball mitt!
my tongue so parched my lips stuck to my teeth as I tried to talk.
And don't say I look like that everyday because I'm old,
I promise, It was a very windy day!

Dani, your Harley ankle bracelet is ready. I'll be there next Sunday or I can mail it to you or you can come to the "Salt Lake Avenues Street Fair" remember:

Saturday, 12th of Sept.
on 9th Avenue between D and I streets!
from 9:00am to 6:00pm
see: www.slc-avenues.org
for more details of events!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Mark Your Calendar: Upcoming Wonderful Events!

Of course there is People's Market every Sunday through Oct!
from 10am to 3pm at

Jordan Park 1000 South and 900 West
Salt Lake City

(Peaches are coming on now! and may I say, "Oh my gosh" because the tomatoes are here!)
Plus probably a gazillion craft and food vendors.
(have I mentioned how much I like the Argentine Empanadas?)

But did you know: Saturday, September the 12th is:


Saturday, September 12th

9th Avenue between D and I Streets

in The Avenues of Salt Lake City

9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Check out their website for all the details:
This is a very popular fair and you don't want to miss it!

Then come to a wonderful fund raiser and craft fair on Friday, September the 25th:

The Mount Olympus Fall Craft Fair
Friday, Sept. 25th
from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
at Mount Olympus Center
1635 East Murray-Holladay Road (4780 So.)

All arts and crafts must be new and handmade by the seller!

That's the kind of Fair I like - great original gifts for the holidays!
AND support our senior citizens!
I will be at Both sellin' the recycled Jewelry!

Ok, and yes I made it through the first week of school, barely. But I've made a great discovery.
Have you ever heard of J-41 Shoes? (or Jeep-41 shoes?) I was near crippled by the end of the second day of school. My feet hurt so bad! If I can't retire (I can't afford health insurance so I must work even though I'm almost as old as dirt but younger than Medicare), but if I must continue working then I figured there must be, out there somewhere, a stylish heeled shoe that I can stand and walk in all day.
For heavens sake, they have put men on the moon!
We even talked to the men on the moon,
has not technology progressed enough to make a
like an...
ok, like AN OLD WOMAN?
For cryin' out loud!

So it has been a mission for me. I researched for two days and nights! Because of the good reviews from women like me, I choose to try J-41 brand of shoes and I choose to buy them "on-line" through one of my most favorite store: www.zappos.com If you don't like the shoes you buy from Zappos, at all, for any reason, you just send them back within.... I can't remember how many weeks, but they even pay the return postage! And my shoes arrived, I kid you not, in TWO DAYS! and I paid NO postage! And I am in love. I wore my J-41 "Lyons" the first day I got them with total comfort so I wore them again today! AND, I think I'll wear them tomorrow also! YES! two days in a row and tomorrow is a lab day! I LOVE THEM. I also bought the "cosmos" and wore them all day Saturday chasing around town with my hubby! And dang, I looked good. Even my husband said, "Those are good looking shoes!" A wee bit pricey but if I only buy two or three pair of shoes and wear them over and over instead of 50 shoes I only wear once... you see my point, I'm sure.
So just go to zappos.com and take a look. I really, really love that store and I love my new shoes, so much so that I loaded up every other pair of shoes I hate to wear, no matter how cute (an embarrassingly large sack) and will send them with no regrets to the second-hand store! You don't happen to need any 8.5 size shoes, do you?

Monday, August 24, 2009

I was on TV AGAIN?

Here are pictures of a single strand "Bible Pages" necklace. The paper comes from and old torn Bible from Desert Industries (a second-hand store). The colored beads are called "Miracle" beads. They seem to glow with a mysterious 3-d glow when in bright lights. These are a special request order and I thought I ought to show them. I can do several strands or even make a gorgeous "wrap" necklace. The wrap necklace is 6 1/2 feet of continuous beads which can be wrapped around your neck 2 or 3 time OR can be twisted and made into a gorgeous 8 strand choker by using an included clasp. (The pink beads are for a breast cancer survivor - a great gift idea, isn't it!)

Today was the first day of school for students. As I walked in, my vice principal asked if he could have my autograph. "Huh... ?" I intelligently answered in my best teacher voice.
"Didn't you see yourself on TV this morning, on channel 2?"
NO.... I missed seeing my self... I missed seeing an old, fat, wrinkled but happy crafter working at the People's Market yesterday!
So was I really on Channel 2? Well some students also said they saw me. More advertisement for the market the better, I say!

Yesterday was a bit quieter, slower day at the market. I believe the weather scared a lot of vendors from coming. It was blustery, then rained gently and then got real blustery (knocked over my earring stand!) and then it became hot as the sun came out near the end of the market - just in time to exert myself and break down camp. For being a slow day, I was exhausted by time I got home. It must have been from thinking about going back to school the next morning! But none-the-less it was beautiful in the park and I mourned the end of summer vacation.

I think I love the smells at the People's Market the best. a beautiful mixture of the grass, flowers and the trees and all the fresh air mingled with bar-b-que and bars of goat's milk soap and soy candles and Dora's kitchen and everything else!

So have you seen the way cool scorpion's lined up on the tables on the south side of the vendor circle? How beautiful are they?
And the knit hats that kids love to wear... The knit hat lady had an off-white one that I think has my name on it. (just thinking about the snow that will be here before too long.) My students wear them even in the middle of summer, however!
I can't remember the name of the vendor who sells dried fruits and nuts. I bought a bag of dried mangoes that were laced with a hint of something like maybe chipotle? - mangoes with a little zing to them - I loved them!

Come down, bring a blanket. Nap a bit, then eat lunch, hang out, shop, visit. Then watch kids roller blade and then nap a bit more and have more to eat and shop more. All that can be done only at the People's Market.

See the cool video from an Aug. 11th newscast about the market on:

So, I mentioned I am back teaching again. Are 7th graders like the cutest thing ever or what?
I must admit both their excitement and terror are contagious. I'll still do the People's Market through October but now it takes nearly two weeks to get a special order out unless I already have some of the beads made - so go ahead, email with a request! I need the diversion from teaching! AND you need to get started on Holiday shopping!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am LOVIN' this cooler weather...

But, I don't want summer to be over yet!
Good thing the People's Market is running clear through the end of October!

I had such a great time talking to people last Sunday at the People's Market. And I'm sorry Kyle if I hurt your feelings about your torn and well worn shorts. They did look mighty comfortable and that is what this market is all about! Good job advertising!

I constantly hear how everyone loves the slow pace and comfort of this market - a great place to go on a beautiful Sunday morning! from 10am to 3pm!

So the Avenues Street Fair people still haven't announced who all their vendors will be for the HUGH Street Fair on Saturday, September the 12th. I HOPE I am there. But you can always catch me Sunday morning or via email.

So last week was "I want a Harley necklace" and this week is (surprisingly) the "I want a Bible pages necklace". Hmm... does that mean anything or just a strange coincidence? And Yes, I can and will do those Bible bead necklaces and there will even be extra Harley and Bible necklaces for all!

What else is happening? Hello, School is starting! Us teachers stumbled in to work yesterday looking all healthy, well-tanned and happy to see each other. By the end of the day today however, we were already showing signs of wear and tear. Get those rooms ready because kids are a' comin' on Monday. Wahoo. How many more days until June?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Harley-Davidson paper bead necklaces!

the first photo has copper bicone beads in between each paper bead
The second photo has a silver-colored barrel bead with black round beads on the ends of the barrel in between each paper bead.
I guess in honor of the Sturgis rally going on right now, everyone has been asking about the Harley necklaces. These are two styles I have for sale right now. They are 16" in total length but I can do longer if you want to special order. Please note that not all necklaces will look exactly like the ones in the pictures, all have different paper beads depending I what I find each time. But they will be put together in about this same pattern.
Email me if you want me to set one aside for you to pick up at the People's Market or to have it mailed out to you. $18.00 for a necklace and matching pair of earrings. $15.00 for just the necklace if the necklace length is 18" or less. bbwright98@hotmail.com

Monday, August 10, 2009

Prefect, perfect weather for People's Market Book Day

I liked the cooler weather right in the middle of the August heat!
Who can I thank for that favor?
It made a perfect day for the People's Market and we had quite the crowd. It was officially "book day" at the Market. (Did you see the Market on Channel 5 news yesterday?) I personally gave away about 2 dozen books. I thank, once more, all the people who kindly took books from me so I wouldn't have to throw them away!

It sure seemed like everyone was having fun. One gal who came to my booth stopped suddenly, pulled out her cell phone and called someone saying, "you ought to come down here to this market, they have so much stuff. Yeah, it's really cool!"
I agree, the market is only bigger and better every week and now with even more farmer's vending their produce!

If George is out there and still wants his Harley-Davidson special order necklace, I have it and will bring it to the next few markets unless you email me, then I will mail it to you!

Because of George's special order, I now have a rush on making more beads out of Harley Davidson motorcycle advertisements and magazine articles. (See: www.bowenwright.com to see the special order necklace yourself). I should have several copies of this necklace for sale next Sunday. I will also email pictures to those of you who have already asked about them as soon as I am finished!

This is my last week before school starts again. Teachers have to report back at my school on Monday the 17th of August! So I am working like crazy now to get tons of projects done to sell the rest of the season.

What's coming up, you ask:

The Avenues Street Festival is Saturday, September the 12th and the People's Market runs every Sunday through the end of October! Come see us Sunday mornings, 10am to 3pm at 1000 South and 900 West - in the Jordan Park which is in front of the gate opening into the International Peace Gardens. The Jordan River Parkway runs right through the Peace Gardens so hop on your bicycle and ride down a beautiful path into the beautiful Gardens and on into a beautiful craft and marketplace! And all for FREE! What could be better? Ok, all the food, crafts and produce you can buy would be better and you can do that also!
See you there!
P.S. my cell phone is broke so if you need to contact me before I can get a new one, please email: bbwright98@hotmail.com

What else have I been up to that I should report on? Saw the newly married Mac's new home! Wow, fancy smancy! and soaked in a lot of my own yard's summerness! No, I did not climb to the top of Mt. Olympus - remember, I'm old! But I must say Hi, to two girls:
HI KARMEN! HI AVA! --- let's get together this week, any day is good for me!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cloudy then a Spit of Rain, then Windy then HOT, HOT, HOT

This blog's title was indeed a weather report for yesterday at the People's Market! But a GREAT crowd! What a fun day!

I bought myself a scrumptious Iced Coffee Mocha with real grated Mexican chocolate from Mexicali's (6th West and North Temple), then I bought a bag of apricots! and of course had to get more Soy Wax melty things to put in my Scentsy warmer. I love the smell of scented candles but refuse to burn them in my house so I melt them to release the scent. When you use SOY wax you can use the melted wax as a skin softener! It rubs right into your skin - chalk full of Vitamin E! I have hot soy wax to put on my heels after most every shower - what luxury!

So anyway, back to me. I have a lot of special orders this week. I need to make two necklaces from paper with a USA flag on it for the couple who donated a ton of pages of these paper USA flags. Then make a bracelet out of the graduation program from a gal who finally returned to high school to get her diploma - that one will be cool! Then I must make another Bible pages necklace with black beads accenting the Bible beads. I have to cut more sheet music pages to make music note paper beads and get at least two more necklaces out of that. Then a request for more Harley-Davidson necklaces! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU'VE BEEN WANTING?
Now is the time to order!

Hopefully I will soon get the call saying, "Yes, you are invited to vend your paper jewelry during the Avenues Street Festival". This festival is one of the best attended festivals in Salt Lake. It will be on Saturday, September the 12th! 10am to 6pm. We should get word by Aug 15th as to who has been accepted! Keep your toes crossed!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

People's Market keeps on Growing!

People's Market keeps getting bigger and better every week.
Don't you need a new picnic table? These look like benches until you fold the back rest forward to meet the other bench's back rest and now you have a picnic table!
All kinds of cool art. How about beautiful china that has been made into mosaic tables, serving trays, wall hangings, vases?
And the vegetables are more and more each week. Did you know you can eat Squash blossoms? Did you know you can buy them at the People's Market?
Come for a relaxed, unstressful fun Sunday morning - 1000 South 900 West -
Salt Lake City, Utah 10:00am - 3:00pm!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Here's an Example of a Custom Order

A few weeks ago (just after 4th of July) I received a package in the mail. Inside were a letter and a small bag of charms and various beads.

Here's the letter:

Hello Brenda
Writing this letter in hope's you are still able to make an exceptionally beautiful and unique necklace for my daughter Teresa Tashina Salazar. She had lost her father, Michael Paul Salazar so suddenly on June 24, 09. My husband and I met you at the Jordon Park and we purchased earrings that had a brochure of the Philippines. We loved your work. Please help us; help my daughter Tashina to be able to be strong at this time and forevermore. I'm sending these items which I hope will be of help. Each item has significant memories and symbol of our love.
Michael Paul loved the Grateful Dead music, loved tye dye, nature, the desert, people who he came in contact. I enclosed a copy of the service pamphlet, obituary (copies), 1 spiral which means life is a full circle, mother carrying baby which Tashina will always be my baby, turtle represents take your time enjoy life, arrowhead -sacred symbol of the Navajo for prayer (protection), green earring which her father purchase for me at a Grateful Dead concert (lost the other one), Dove - her grandma bought it home from Mexico for me because she loved me, and beads from our time together. The colors and where we purchase them mean a lot to me.
I thank you before hand, Brenda, you have an amazing gift and you are sharing that with everyone. Peace. Charilene Filfred

I looked at all the items, read everything again and again. One phone call to Ms. Filfred just to verify my idea of what to do. Then I added:
* several beads made from tie-dyed cloth
* silver colored beads and spacers
* Turquoise chips
* handmade paper beads from the memorial service and the copies of the obituary

The end product:

I'm having a good day today, I just received this email:

Hello Brenda

Wow!! my friend, if I may; I love it, it is so beautiful; I am forever grateful for creating a master piece for my daughter Tashina. I honestly think you’re an AWESOME person to have done this creation for me and my family. Please use what you need to, even the names. Again Brenda I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I just absolutely love it. The necklace is a moving piece for me, so many memories. And especially a great father, friend, son, and husband to be honored in such a beautiful piece of art. Blessed be, Clarilene

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another Week Closer to Start of New School Year...ugh!

But, one word about the weather for the 'I heart Utah' festival....


I gave up on the 'Earth Jam' festival in April due to the beginning of the Freaky Utah monsoon this spring. Now I had to give up on the 'I heart Utah' festival because of the 103 degree temperature. Electric Park at Thanksgiving Point is pretty new so the trees were not much taller than me. Very little shade - which is not good for hundreds of vendors, many of them being food vendors with hot grills! I was under the pavilion so I fared much better than most all the others. The morning was gorgeous, all vendors were rather 'hyper' with anticipation of the day's events. By 9:00am it was beginning to feel warm, at 11:00am it was really warm and then it proceeded to get downright miserably hot by 1:00pm. By 3:00pm I called my husband and said I'd have to stay longer because there was no way I was going to clean up, haul stuff to my car in this heat, I'd have to wait until it started to cool off! Clouds came over within 45 minutes of my calling the hubby and it was amazing to see everyone acting like Alaska Caribou heeding the migratory instinct, (only because of the heat I guess we were more like African Wildebeest!) I felt real bad about abandoning the festival which was continuing until 7:00pm, but it literally had been about 7 hours since I had last needed to go potty. I had downed 3 liters of water and still had no urine output! That's not good.

So those festival attendees who braved the heat and who came to visit me and purchase, I say Thank You!

I couldn't wait to get back to my Home Sweet Home, the People's Market today! The weather was delightful (I would probably have said hot if I hadn't experienced the previous day). I enjoyed meeting the young lady who had been to Africa recently and had actually seen the women of Africa "in the bush" making paper beads. I said I made these paper beads in the way yonder bush of Utah called Murray! and even better, my beads were indigenous to Utah. Real authentic Utah, indigenous junk mail beads. (Her male companion laughed.)

The young lady who had recently returned from Africa then asked if I also coated my beads with clear fingernail polish? Hmmm.. no, I use the sap from the local polyacrylic tree! How do they get enough clear nail polish in Africa to coat all those beads? These women in the bush are really poor people aren't they? How do they even buy fingernail polish?

I was very impressed with a young lady, Catherine, who also makes jewelry mostly out of pennies! yes, pennies. I had to buy a pair of penny earrings. Please check out her ETSY store and support a young entrepreneur - http://www.cmmay.etsy.com/

By the way did you see the full page write up on the People's Market Chain-mail lady in last Sunday's paper? You need to come see her wares! How about a 35 lb. chain-mail vest? But actually her wallet chains are to die for! If I were thirty years younger and male and cool, I'd buy one!
Oh, and how bloody cool that a couple from Scotland bought a necklace from me! I thought my hearing was getting worse when I couldn't understand what this one cute little lady was saying to me. So I finally said, "What part of England did you get that accent from?" "Scotland! not England," she correctly me quite harshly, I must say. Well, anyway my Tiger Eye pendant will now be sported around in Scotland because they are just here on vacation and bought from me! How sweet is that?
This week will be a bit less hectic. Maybe I can visit some relatives. Maybe I can vacuum some floors and dust... hmmm, I better think those last two over a bit more.
The final week of summer coming up - It's all down hill to school starting after the 24th of July!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Driving Directions to I 'Heart' Utah Festival this Saturday:

I'm really excited for Saturday; The I "heart" Utah Festival!

It is FREE and has tons of activities for kids, prizes, entertainment, food and shopping.

There will be an opening "ribbon cutting" ceremony at 10:00am with special guests and free pearl necklaces for the first 5,000 through the gate!
Ok, so take I-15 to exit #284 which is the Cabela's store exit, the first exit in Utah County after leaving Salt Lake County OR the last exit as you head north out of Utah County!
Anyway, exit #284 then head west to the first intersection and turn left weaving past the Chevron station and that takes you on the frontage road running between I-15 and Thanksgiving Point. Follow the frontage road going south all the way to the Thanksgiving Point theatres. The very first road past the Thanksgiving Point Theatres you want to turn west (right) and now you are running along side the East parking lot area for the Festival. The large grassy Electric Park area is enclosed by green wrought-iron fencing. There is an east parking lot, south and west parking lot! Inside the Festival area is a covered pavilion where I will be located! The pavilion people will be facing the large stage area where entertainment will be on-going!
Ok, so see you Saturday at Thanksgiving Point and then back to my home-sweet-home, the People's Market on Sunday morning. (1000 South and 900 West in SLC).

Last Sunday's People's Market spilled over into this week. I had the three lovey Sneed ladies (mother and two daughters) come to my home to purchase jewelry. They were able to leisurely look through and try on all the necklaces they wanted to, at my "in-home" jewelry store! Thanks for coming ladies, I really enjoyed having you at my home! Give me a call if you and your friends would prefer this kind of shopping experience also!
I also need to tell Clarilene (who sent me memorabilia from which I shall made a necklace) that I am still working on the necklace and will call her hopefully the first of next week to get pictures sent of the finished product.
And George, your necklace is done - take a look at http://www.bowenwright.com/ to see it!

I also need to thank, at this point, CyberDefender, for fixing my computer! http://www.cyberdefender.com/
Good heavens, they are fast, efficient and darn nice to work with! They took over my computer, cleaned it all up (took them about 3 hours) and I didn't have to drive anywhere, un-plug and un-hook my computer or even lift my fanny off my chair! Plus I can have a live person to talk to anytime I want for a Year! Why didn't I invent this company?
Well now comes your Summer Science Lesson: This week we had a tragic death in our family. My 30+ year old Maple tree in my front yard had to be put down. It was traumatic. It hasn't been doing well the last maybe 10 years. It's leaves are small and turn brown before summer is over, large branches dying. The neighbors had their tree like this just summarily cut down. I wanted more for my tree so I took it on as a project and researched (I love the Internet) and found that Maples are prone to "Strangler Roots". If the tree is not planted properly sometimes a root will grow around the trunk and over time as the root and the tree both get larger, the root strangles the tree. They say you can tell if this is happening to your tree by inspecting the trunk and if it is not perfectly round in shape (like with a flat side), then you have a strangler root and it needs to be cut away to save the tree.
That's the ugly strangler root against the base of the tree!

So my husband and I decided to find the strangler root and cut it away and save our 30+ year old tree! What a hoot that was! Our neighbors watched as we dug away the soil from one side of the tree and after going down less than a foot, we found the problem. It was a HUGE, (as Karmen would say, "Ginormous") root running perpendicular to the tree trunk. It was so obvious that the root could not be cut out and safely leave enough of the tree trunk to make it anything but a falling hazard. So the wonderful arborist dudes with Murray City came and cut it down Wednesday morning. They had the tree down, ground up into mulch and the stump removed quicker than I could believe. So what shall we plant in it's place.... We haven't yet decided... You are just going to have to wait to find out! Something fast growing, that's for sure, I doubt we have another 30 years!
Here's a bit closer look. They say planting young trees to deep can promote strangler roots! Also make sure roots on your new tree are not looped or twisted around the trunk as you put them in the hole! You learn somthing new every day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Come Celebrate Utah! July 18th Thanksgiving Point

Bringing together many local Utah businesses, artists, entertainers and families, the 2009 I Heart Utah Festival focuses on, “celebrating the state of Utah and her treasures…the people, places, and products that make Utah great.”

The Festival takes place on Saturday, July 18th just prior to Pioneer Week, Utah’s own holiday and is FREE to the public. At a central location between Utah and Salt Lake counties, Thanksgiving Point’s Electric Park will be the picturesque location of a memorable day full of shopping, sampling, winning, entertainment, education and activities for the entire family.

With the current economic situation, Festival producers saw a need to do what they could locally to help support small business within Utah cities and throughout the State, and help encourage Utah citizens to do the same. “We found such an impressive amount of quality products and services offered by individuals or small businesses right here in our own back yard, and an exciting amount of nationally recognized companies that are founded or run from our great 801 or 435 area codes!” (Melynda Valgardson, Vyking Media & Entertainment)

Festival vendor categories include health and wellness, travel and tourism, sports and recreation, home and garden, businesses catering to women, preparedness, education, ‘Greening” Utah, arts and entertainment, and will include a local Farmers Market. Any business or organization that is based in or originated in Utah qualifies for involvement in the Festival and can reserve a vendor or nonprofit information booth space for a minimal fee.

Festival Schedule: The I Heart Utah Festival begins at 10:00 am with a ribbon cutting hosted by the Provo/Orem Chamber of Commerce. The ribbon cutting will be done by special guests and local Utah heroes that will be escorted in by motorcade and helicopter, (please contact for details). Krispy Kreme donuts will be available while supplies last. The first 5,000 Festival attendees will also receive a pearl necklace courtesy Overstock.com.

Throughout the day attendees can walk the Festival grounds including theme areas: (1) Pink Street sponsored by Window Fashions with vendors catering to women, (2) Green Street sponsored by Utah Valley University including businesses and organizations that focus on ‘green living’ and taking care of Utah, (3) Red, White, & Blue Street hosted by Vyking Entertainment representing businesses throughout Utah with a patriotic theme, (4) Kids Korner sponsored by Sunshine Generation of Utah County with businesses catering to children including numerous inflatables from Goose Jumps, (5) Sports Park sponsored by Supa Fly Mobile Detailing and representing local sports and recreation organizations, (6) Front Parking Lot sponsored by Fun Share Rentals including boats, ATV’s, motorcycles and a Utah Trikes demo, (7) and a Farmers Market reflecting Utah cuisine, food and beverage as well as local artists and crafters. Additional activities and displays include a karaoke contest at the Talent Quest booth, hang gliding display by Wings over Wasatch, a sailboat from Bonneville School of Sailing, a helicopter by Universal Helicopter, and an airplane from UVU Aviation plus many more prizes, activities, demos, and education at over 100 “I Heart Utah” vendor and informational booths. All Festival attendees can visit the information and prize booth to vote for their favorite Utah businesses and sign up to win a number of prizes throughout the day including our grand prize courtesy JetBlue Airways.

A full day of entertainment will be available on Ebay’s Green Stage which is powered entirely by the sun and captured by Green Tow’s mobile solar power trailer. Entertainment includes local artists and musicians (Shaun Barrowes, Jarrett Burnes, Justin Williams, Ryan Innes), performances by the Talent Quest karaoke competition winners, dance performances, and even performing dogs trained by Arrow Kennels Dog Training.

For a complete list of vendors, sponsors and event and schedule updates, please log on to www.IHeartUT.com

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...