Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Well is it ever so close to 2010

I never thought I'd live old enough to see the year 2000 - that was 10 years ago now, old stuff!
Time flies. Thanks to all for a wonderful year.
A small hick-up with my nose dripping spinal fluid this year - but that is fixed and hopefully is in the past.
Good things from this year? ... well the beaded lanyard business is doing super good. I figure I made 20 lanyards to raise money for sub-for-Santa this year. Teachers at our school now wear identification cards, but why wear an old, stuffy, boring lanyard when you can have a handmade "recycled bead" lanyard with a THEME.
I did a recipe and food picture bead lanyard for a cooking (CTE) teacher, an American Constitution, revolutionary soldiers, George Washington bead lanyard for a history teacher, An math worksheet bead lanyard for the math teacher, Sheet music bead lanyards for the choir and band teachers, a comic strip lanyard for the art teacher, A "Twilight" (glow in the light) paper bead lanyard for me! (I teach science can't you see the connection?)
And lots of lanyards that just match outfits better than a gross red nylon thingy!

Then today, the sewing teacher (my very good friend) and I did a cooperative class and taught kids how to make art projects out of re-cycled stuff that usually gets thrown away. It was great to see the enthusiasm of 9th graders (girls AND boys) doing paper collage pictures from old magazines or making paper beads from junk mail! They did great! Maybe the tradition will carry on after I am gone!
It was fun teaching them my hobby. We used stir sticks (you can buy them in bulk at Costco) to roll the beads onto and then we just coated them in Elmer's glue and some were even able to string them on stretchy string to make a bracelet or anklet during our limited time together.
I'd like to continue this tradition also!
So, what will 2010 bring? Hopefully more fun!
Best Wishes to You All!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Remembrance Necklaces - Let me show you some ideas:

One of my biggest custom orders requests is for "Remembrance" necklaces. They are not necessarily to be worn but sure can be worn. I just finished an order for 4 necklaces made from a relatives obituary and funeral service program for his mother, two sisters and a brother. They are very special to those who give them, and I hope they are special to those who receive them. I love doing them.

But think of the other special occasions people may want to remember.
I recently did a bracelet out of a graduation ceremony program for a gal who finally went back and got her certificate after 10 years of marriage and 3 kids.

How about celebrating an anniversary or write letters on beads to best friends or grandchildren!
Keep forever your own handwriting and own words!
There are lots of ideas and sometimes don't we all need something to be the keeper of our memories.

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...