Monday, August 31, 2009

Mark Your Calendar: Upcoming Wonderful Events!

Of course there is People's Market every Sunday through Oct!
from 10am to 3pm at

Jordan Park 1000 South and 900 West
Salt Lake City

(Peaches are coming on now! and may I say, "Oh my gosh" because the tomatoes are here!)
Plus probably a gazillion craft and food vendors.
(have I mentioned how much I like the Argentine Empanadas?)

But did you know: Saturday, September the 12th is:


Saturday, September 12th

9th Avenue between D and I Streets

in The Avenues of Salt Lake City

9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Check out their website for all the details:
This is a very popular fair and you don't want to miss it!

Then come to a wonderful fund raiser and craft fair on Friday, September the 25th:

The Mount Olympus Fall Craft Fair
Friday, Sept. 25th
from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
at Mount Olympus Center
1635 East Murray-Holladay Road (4780 So.)

All arts and crafts must be new and handmade by the seller!

That's the kind of Fair I like - great original gifts for the holidays!
AND support our senior citizens!
I will be at Both sellin' the recycled Jewelry!

Ok, and yes I made it through the first week of school, barely. But I've made a great discovery.
Have you ever heard of J-41 Shoes? (or Jeep-41 shoes?) I was near crippled by the end of the second day of school. My feet hurt so bad! If I can't retire (I can't afford health insurance so I must work even though I'm almost as old as dirt but younger than Medicare), but if I must continue working then I figured there must be, out there somewhere, a stylish heeled shoe that I can stand and walk in all day.
For heavens sake, they have put men on the moon!
We even talked to the men on the moon,
has not technology progressed enough to make a
like an...
ok, like AN OLD WOMAN?
For cryin' out loud!

So it has been a mission for me. I researched for two days and nights! Because of the good reviews from women like me, I choose to try J-41 brand of shoes and I choose to buy them "on-line" through one of my most favorite store: If you don't like the shoes you buy from Zappos, at all, for any reason, you just send them back within.... I can't remember how many weeks, but they even pay the return postage! And my shoes arrived, I kid you not, in TWO DAYS! and I paid NO postage! And I am in love. I wore my J-41 "Lyons" the first day I got them with total comfort so I wore them again today! AND, I think I'll wear them tomorrow also! YES! two days in a row and tomorrow is a lab day! I LOVE THEM. I also bought the "cosmos" and wore them all day Saturday chasing around town with my hubby! And dang, I looked good. Even my husband said, "Those are good looking shoes!" A wee bit pricey but if I only buy two or three pair of shoes and wear them over and over instead of 50 shoes I only wear once... you see my point, I'm sure.
So just go to and take a look. I really, really love that store and I love my new shoes, so much so that I loaded up every other pair of shoes I hate to wear, no matter how cute (an embarrassingly large sack) and will send them with no regrets to the second-hand store! You don't happen to need any 8.5 size shoes, do you?

Monday, August 24, 2009

I was on TV AGAIN?

Here are pictures of a single strand "Bible Pages" necklace. The paper comes from and old torn Bible from Desert Industries (a second-hand store). The colored beads are called "Miracle" beads. They seem to glow with a mysterious 3-d glow when in bright lights. These are a special request order and I thought I ought to show them. I can do several strands or even make a gorgeous "wrap" necklace. The wrap necklace is 6 1/2 feet of continuous beads which can be wrapped around your neck 2 or 3 time OR can be twisted and made into a gorgeous 8 strand choker by using an included clasp. (The pink beads are for a breast cancer survivor - a great gift idea, isn't it!)

Today was the first day of school for students. As I walked in, my vice principal asked if he could have my autograph. "Huh... ?" I intelligently answered in my best teacher voice.
"Didn't you see yourself on TV this morning, on channel 2?"
NO.... I missed seeing my self... I missed seeing an old, fat, wrinkled but happy crafter working at the People's Market yesterday!
So was I really on Channel 2? Well some students also said they saw me. More advertisement for the market the better, I say!

Yesterday was a bit quieter, slower day at the market. I believe the weather scared a lot of vendors from coming. It was blustery, then rained gently and then got real blustery (knocked over my earring stand!) and then it became hot as the sun came out near the end of the market - just in time to exert myself and break down camp. For being a slow day, I was exhausted by time I got home. It must have been from thinking about going back to school the next morning! But none-the-less it was beautiful in the park and I mourned the end of summer vacation.

I think I love the smells at the People's Market the best. a beautiful mixture of the grass, flowers and the trees and all the fresh air mingled with bar-b-que and bars of goat's milk soap and soy candles and Dora's kitchen and everything else!

So have you seen the way cool scorpion's lined up on the tables on the south side of the vendor circle? How beautiful are they?
And the knit hats that kids love to wear... The knit hat lady had an off-white one that I think has my name on it. (just thinking about the snow that will be here before too long.) My students wear them even in the middle of summer, however!
I can't remember the name of the vendor who sells dried fruits and nuts. I bought a bag of dried mangoes that were laced with a hint of something like maybe chipotle? - mangoes with a little zing to them - I loved them!

Come down, bring a blanket. Nap a bit, then eat lunch, hang out, shop, visit. Then watch kids roller blade and then nap a bit more and have more to eat and shop more. All that can be done only at the People's Market.

See the cool video from an Aug. 11th newscast about the market on:

So, I mentioned I am back teaching again. Are 7th graders like the cutest thing ever or what?
I must admit both their excitement and terror are contagious. I'll still do the People's Market through October but now it takes nearly two weeks to get a special order out unless I already have some of the beads made - so go ahead, email with a request! I need the diversion from teaching! AND you need to get started on Holiday shopping!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am LOVIN' this cooler weather...

But, I don't want summer to be over yet!
Good thing the People's Market is running clear through the end of October!

I had such a great time talking to people last Sunday at the People's Market. And I'm sorry Kyle if I hurt your feelings about your torn and well worn shorts. They did look mighty comfortable and that is what this market is all about! Good job advertising!

I constantly hear how everyone loves the slow pace and comfort of this market - a great place to go on a beautiful Sunday morning! from 10am to 3pm!

So the Avenues Street Fair people still haven't announced who all their vendors will be for the HUGH Street Fair on Saturday, September the 12th. I HOPE I am there. But you can always catch me Sunday morning or via email.

So last week was "I want a Harley necklace" and this week is (surprisingly) the "I want a Bible pages necklace". Hmm... does that mean anything or just a strange coincidence? And Yes, I can and will do those Bible bead necklaces and there will even be extra Harley and Bible necklaces for all!

What else is happening? Hello, School is starting! Us teachers stumbled in to work yesterday looking all healthy, well-tanned and happy to see each other. By the end of the day today however, we were already showing signs of wear and tear. Get those rooms ready because kids are a' comin' on Monday. Wahoo. How many more days until June?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Harley-Davidson paper bead necklaces!

the first photo has copper bicone beads in between each paper bead
The second photo has a silver-colored barrel bead with black round beads on the ends of the barrel in between each paper bead.
I guess in honor of the Sturgis rally going on right now, everyone has been asking about the Harley necklaces. These are two styles I have for sale right now. They are 16" in total length but I can do longer if you want to special order. Please note that not all necklaces will look exactly like the ones in the pictures, all have different paper beads depending I what I find each time. But they will be put together in about this same pattern.
Email me if you want me to set one aside for you to pick up at the People's Market or to have it mailed out to you. $18.00 for a necklace and matching pair of earrings. $15.00 for just the necklace if the necklace length is 18" or less.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Prefect, perfect weather for People's Market Book Day

I liked the cooler weather right in the middle of the August heat!
Who can I thank for that favor?
It made a perfect day for the People's Market and we had quite the crowd. It was officially "book day" at the Market. (Did you see the Market on Channel 5 news yesterday?) I personally gave away about 2 dozen books. I thank, once more, all the people who kindly took books from me so I wouldn't have to throw them away!

It sure seemed like everyone was having fun. One gal who came to my booth stopped suddenly, pulled out her cell phone and called someone saying, "you ought to come down here to this market, they have so much stuff. Yeah, it's really cool!"
I agree, the market is only bigger and better every week and now with even more farmer's vending their produce!

If George is out there and still wants his Harley-Davidson special order necklace, I have it and will bring it to the next few markets unless you email me, then I will mail it to you!

Because of George's special order, I now have a rush on making more beads out of Harley Davidson motorcycle advertisements and magazine articles. (See: to see the special order necklace yourself). I should have several copies of this necklace for sale next Sunday. I will also email pictures to those of you who have already asked about them as soon as I am finished!

This is my last week before school starts again. Teachers have to report back at my school on Monday the 17th of August! So I am working like crazy now to get tons of projects done to sell the rest of the season.

What's coming up, you ask:

The Avenues Street Festival is Saturday, September the 12th and the People's Market runs every Sunday through the end of October! Come see us Sunday mornings, 10am to 3pm at 1000 South and 900 West - in the Jordan Park which is in front of the gate opening into the International Peace Gardens. The Jordan River Parkway runs right through the Peace Gardens so hop on your bicycle and ride down a beautiful path into the beautiful Gardens and on into a beautiful craft and marketplace! And all for FREE! What could be better? Ok, all the food, crafts and produce you can buy would be better and you can do that also!
See you there!
P.S. my cell phone is broke so if you need to contact me before I can get a new one, please email:

What else have I been up to that I should report on? Saw the newly married Mac's new home! Wow, fancy smancy! and soaked in a lot of my own yard's summerness! No, I did not climb to the top of Mt. Olympus - remember, I'm old! But I must say Hi, to two girls:
HI KARMEN! HI AVA! --- let's get together this week, any day is good for me!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cloudy then a Spit of Rain, then Windy then HOT, HOT, HOT

This blog's title was indeed a weather report for yesterday at the People's Market! But a GREAT crowd! What a fun day!

I bought myself a scrumptious Iced Coffee Mocha with real grated Mexican chocolate from Mexicali's (6th West and North Temple), then I bought a bag of apricots! and of course had to get more Soy Wax melty things to put in my Scentsy warmer. I love the smell of scented candles but refuse to burn them in my house so I melt them to release the scent. When you use SOY wax you can use the melted wax as a skin softener! It rubs right into your skin - chalk full of Vitamin E! I have hot soy wax to put on my heels after most every shower - what luxury!

So anyway, back to me. I have a lot of special orders this week. I need to make two necklaces from paper with a USA flag on it for the couple who donated a ton of pages of these paper USA flags. Then make a bracelet out of the graduation program from a gal who finally returned to high school to get her diploma - that one will be cool! Then I must make another Bible pages necklace with black beads accenting the Bible beads. I have to cut more sheet music pages to make music note paper beads and get at least two more necklaces out of that. Then a request for more Harley-Davidson necklaces! IS THERE ANYTHING YOU'VE BEEN WANTING?
Now is the time to order!

Hopefully I will soon get the call saying, "Yes, you are invited to vend your paper jewelry during the Avenues Street Festival". This festival is one of the best attended festivals in Salt Lake. It will be on Saturday, September the 12th! 10am to 6pm. We should get word by Aug 15th as to who has been accepted! Keep your toes crossed!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...