Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Many Thanks to AAZK members!

Over this last weekend, I was lucky enough to have a booth and be able to sell recycled paper and cloth jewelry to members of the American Association of Zoo Keepers! see: http://www.aazk.org/ and http://www.utahaazk.org/
What a cool bunch of people. They're an earthy, honest, and very friendly bunch of men and women. As I listened to them talking about the creatures they take care of at their various zoos across America, I couldn't help but think how much they sounded like us Junior High School teachers talking about our creatures! And boy was it nice to work two days inside the Marriott Hotel by the Galvan Center - tough duty! A Starbucks down on the first floor and air conditioning! LOVED IT!!!
I sold, and sold, and sold and now have to get very busy this week to get more inventory and head back out to the People's Market at the International Peace Gardens, 1000 South and 900 West in SLC this Sunday. There aren't too many weekends left for the market. I'm going to try and be out there every Sunday through the 20th of Oct. I hope that I am correct in assuming that will be the last day for 2008!
But next will be the Family Christmas Gift Show at the South Towne Expo Center on November 14, 15 and 16th! See you there!
In the meantime, don't forget to see what is for sale in my eBay Store! Click on the link to the left uner "other wonderful links" Thanks!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Beginnings of The Bowenwright Workshop/Office

The first three photos are what my... I guess it was an office area off from our kitchen, anyway they are photos of what it looks like right now. We stripped it out and Terry is going to build me bookcases and such from the windows clear around to the other wall (we have one more bank of funky shelving to knock off the wall in the right corner) to make a kind of "L" shaped bookcase/storage cabinet space so I can move Bowenwright Crafts, LC out into that room and maybe relieve some space in the bedroom (the currect bedroom predicament is in the other two pictures! YIKES. It is very crowded in the bedroom needlesss to say. And I think I can even handle clients out in the other room! There is even space there for classes and bead parties and male dancers - OK, not the male dancers at my age. Can you say Coronary bypass? But I am really excited... about the beading, the beading!Terry has pretty much moved all his businesses into the cockpit downstairs. (he has four flatscreens on his computer with a wrap-around desk and I swear it looks like an air control tower or the cockpit of a fighter pilot!) Hey Meghan, remember the particle board bed you sleep on out in the room that is now going to be Bowenwright Central? Yeah, that's been a long time since we last remodeled, like 1996ish? Does anybody know of a cork-like product that I can put on the wall under the bookcase/cabinets - like on the blacksplash wall above the desks countertops? I'd like to pin stuff up but don't know what to use??? Anyway, I'll be in a mess for awhile AGAIN!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

KUTV interview Sept 16 2008

** I'm a MOVIE STAR! **

Ok, not really a movie star, more like a TV STAR... ok not really a TV star, more like an Infomercial Star! I was on the KUTV2 Morning Show today (the 16th) and was interviewed by Mary Nickles! How cool is that? (Yes, she is gorgeous).
When I got to the building, (I knew it because I have taken tours of their facility in the past), I had to rattle the locked front doors, a good looking guy came and un-locked the door and then went to fetch the producer. My husband (carrying my load of jewelry) and I were led on a winding path through the facility finally to their little outdoor porch with teeny waterfalls and pool. I was shown a very small and very tall table and told to set my stuff up there. I was thinking the table they promised would be more like the 8' long table I used at the fair. I think it was more like 2' x 3' at most. So I picked through my wares and tried to get an example of all the different kinds of paper I use and some of the cloth ones also. I was set up with a microphone and was cued with a wave of a hand to look like I was "futt-zing" with jewelry. I waited a bit more and then... Mary came out looking like a runway model. All I could say to her was "I've always tried to make my hair look like yours!" She replied, "your's looks great, my hair is really dry." It is this deep and intimate look into others lives that really draws me to TV...
I think Mary (we're on first name basis now) was really impressed with my jewelry (she seemed honestly tickled with the Sunday Comic paper beads necklace). I bet I looked great next to her... they had me stand on a stool so I wouldn't look so short! and no one did my make-up or hair - HELLO! How can I possibly stand next to, let alone compete with MARY NICKLES? Did anyone out there see me? about 10:15am today? Did I have anything stuck between my teeth? Was my bra strap hanging out? Did my upper lip stick to my teeth?
But it was truely fun and everyone there was helpful and happy. I got a feeling it was fun working at the station. My hubby took pictures as they were filming so as soon as I can get him to download them, I'll post a few (whether you want them or not).
If you found this blog from watching the show and want to see my stuff or get in touch with me, click on the links on the right side of this webpage, or leave a comment.
Also, my niece and mentor, doing business as: "Embracelets Jewelry", works with me doing parties and festivals and such. She does the really elegant jewelry. (I'm the more earthy line of our accessorization facility.) She does wedding sets for brides and their bridesmaid that are to die for! Together we can do a party for you! Get an early jump on our holiday supply of jewelry so you have more to choose from!
Or, come see me and all the other vendors and farmers at the People's Market, 10th south 900 West SLC every Sunday 10:00am to 3:00pm. until Oct 20th.
Now I must go languish in the glory of my 2.5 minutes of fame from this morning....

Friday, September 12, 2008

Here is the after picture. I forgot to take a picture before I left home so my friend took the picture with his little cell phone and then emailed it to me! OK, a bit fuzzy but isn't technology wonderful. The beads are big and chunky - about 1" long and 1/2" wide. I have enough paper left from the folders to make three more necklaces! Such beautiful reds and greens in the beads!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The "Before" picture

These are pictures of the folder I will be cutting and rolling into beads for a special order necklace. I thought I'd show how beautiful the colors are. The father (Mr. Rod Serbousek) of the girl I am doing this for, painted the picture that was then printed onto this folder cover. It is really more stunningly beautiful than my photos. We'll see how it turns in a few days! - I'll get more pictures!

Psst: I am going downtown to KJZZ, the channel 14 station on Tuesday, Sept. the 16th to do a spot for the "Home Team" show which comes on at 9:00am on channel 14. it is "a daily show focusing on different aspects of women's lives" I don't know what day it will show at this moment. I doubt it is going to be a live broadcast because I'm supposed to be at the station at 10:00am and the show is from 9:00-10:00am! But they want to show my junk mail jewelry and interview me, I guess. Maybe they just want me there with my teacher voice to get people to stand in straight lines! Anyway, I'll keep you all posted on that. Cool, huh?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Should September be my Favorite Month?

(Picture of Salt Lake's International Peace Gardens from their website.)
Everything slows down in September, in a Park! Come see the People's Market just outside the Gardens in Jordan Park - 10th South 900 West, Sundays from 10:00am to 3:00pm through Oct. 28th.

Was this last weekend the most beautiful weather or what? I can't wait to see what September is like without the overhanging responsibility and dread of school. Forever I have associated September with school in one way or another. But this is the last one. Next year I hope to see September only through the feel of coolness in the morning air, the smell of leaves on the ground or of ripening fruit, and fireplaces. And maybe even discover more of what goes on in September without any distractions like work - just through the eyes of plain, simple enjoyment!
The People's Market yesterday was delightful - I think it was my favorite weekend so far. Maybe I was just in shock at how much easier it is being outside working when the temperature is not in the 90's. There were a lot of vendors/farmers and a lot of visitors. Everyone was happy, calm and walkin' slow! Like we all wanted to savor these last few precious days before winter!
I have two special orders this week. One is for a 6 foot long wrap necklace with beads made of Bible pages. And then a very special order where I have been asked to make beads from a folder that has an impressionistic painting on it of a flower garden. A young lady said her father painted the picture that was used for the folder's cover and she would like me to make beads and then a necklace so she can have her father's painting with her more often. How cool is that? It should make a gorgeous necklace because of all the colors! I will get pictures!
Well I only hope the fall is much more healthy for my family than this last summer was! I can't take any more people with holes in their hearts! or pneumonia! (or however it is spelled) or anything! Everyone, please think healthy thoughts!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No People's Market over Labor Day for me... why? you ask

(Picture is my imagination of potential weather for Sunday, Aug. 31st)
I thought I was really out smarting the weather this last Sunday. The weatherman said it was going to be stormy and I wasn't too excited about braving the elements with blowing canopy and soggy paper beads so I sleep in on Sunday. Now sleeping in is a wonderful thing - beyond wonderful, it is divine! So after awaking around 8:30am I kept waiting for the justification for staying home to materialize. I waited, no rain. 12:00pm, still no rain. 2:00pm and still no rain. I usually make it home by 3:30 after I clean-up and pack everything from the market and drive home. A total bust. I could have been at the Market seeing my friends, meeting people, have a very comfortable temperature sit in a beautiful park but NO, I had to try and out think the weather! I am so totally irritated now. And then what happens, at exactly 3:23 pm, the rain begins at my home and it looked to me like it hadn't hit the downtown area at all yet. I'll have to see what people say about the wind. Maybe that was hard to handle and then I can feel smug about staying home but right now I am so disappointed and upset about not going. I could cry!

I'll be back next week now without a doubt - not even snow could keep me away!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...