Monday, September 8, 2008

Should September be my Favorite Month?

(Picture of Salt Lake's International Peace Gardens from their website.)
Everything slows down in September, in a Park! Come see the People's Market just outside the Gardens in Jordan Park - 10th South 900 West, Sundays from 10:00am to 3:00pm through Oct. 28th.

Was this last weekend the most beautiful weather or what? I can't wait to see what September is like without the overhanging responsibility and dread of school. Forever I have associated September with school in one way or another. But this is the last one. Next year I hope to see September only through the feel of coolness in the morning air, the smell of leaves on the ground or of ripening fruit, and fireplaces. And maybe even discover more of what goes on in September without any distractions like work - just through the eyes of plain, simple enjoyment!
The People's Market yesterday was delightful - I think it was my favorite weekend so far. Maybe I was just in shock at how much easier it is being outside working when the temperature is not in the 90's. There were a lot of vendors/farmers and a lot of visitors. Everyone was happy, calm and walkin' slow! Like we all wanted to savor these last few precious days before winter!
I have two special orders this week. One is for a 6 foot long wrap necklace with beads made of Bible pages. And then a very special order where I have been asked to make beads from a folder that has an impressionistic painting on it of a flower garden. A young lady said her father painted the picture that was used for the folder's cover and she would like me to make beads and then a necklace so she can have her father's painting with her more often. How cool is that? It should make a gorgeous necklace because of all the colors! I will get pictures!
Well I only hope the fall is much more healthy for my family than this last summer was! I can't take any more people with holes in their hearts! or pneumonia! (or however it is spelled) or anything! Everyone, please think healthy thoughts!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see the painting necklace photo!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...