Sunday, July 25, 2010

I'm a Grandma! finally! ok, step grandma, but I'll take whatever I can get!

My stepson's wife just had their baby this morning. A 9 lb. 14 oz., 22 inch long baby boy named Parker Hub Wright.
Mom had to go Cesarean Section but seems to be doing OK.
I'll get to see her and baby in a few days, I hope.
The new Dad says little Parker Hub is blonde.
If you know Cody, the dad, that's a real duh... Cody has nearly white hair
and his wife is dish-water blonde -
so no dark hair, dark eyes like Grandma Brenda.
Oh, well. I can still spoil him crazy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just a thought on "use-it-or-lose-it"

Yeah, I'm getting older. I don't mind it really, in fact it would be funner if I didn't hurt so much whenever I try anything.
Case in point: My shoulder has been giving me trouble for about a year and a half. It really got bad this last spring so I thought with all my scientific wisdom, I said; "I'll just try not to use it as much as possible until it heals". Sounds good right? WRONG. Don't do it. By end of June, I could barely move my arm at all. No motion whatsoever. No overhead movement so I couldn't even shave my armpit. Now that is the pits! Couldn't touch my back, couldn't comb the top of my head when the blow dryer was in the other hand. Great! So off to the doctor and to the physical therapist. I now do exercises twice a day, ice my shoulder and finally I can lift it once again, can't touch my back much yet, but I'm getting there. (My niece is a physical therapist and I think I must now tell her publicly how much I respect her occupation!)
Then I found an old book I've had for years, a book of stories and poems on old age called, "When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple". Are you familiar with this?
Here are a couple of my favorite poems from the book

A Place for Mother by Joanne Seltzer

Remember how you once went shopping
for the right nursery school
and when the teacher asked you
if your child was toilet trained
you lied and said she was.

Use the same strategy
in shopping for a nursing home.

Later - when you are told
of Mother's incontinence -
you will clench your fist and shout:
"What have you done to my mother?"

Have a daughter-to-mother talk.
Ask her what she wants.
If she doesn't know
ask her if she's happy.
She will either say
she doesn't know
or she will be silent.
Tell her how much you love her.
Promise you won't forsake her.

To top it off, why not have a necklace made for her with your words on paper made into beads for her to wear, or even better: vice versa, have your Mother write something for you and have that to keep to remember her forever.... just a thought -
see for ideas!
email me at:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Don't read the book, "Stuff" unless you have time to clean!

I just finished the book, "Stuff, compulsive hoarding and the meaning of things". I read it in two days - very, very interesting. Case studies of people with hoarding problems of all kinds were discussed, then how they were treated (if they could be treated), and what might have started their hoarding. But what it did to me was make me feel guilty. I don't form deep bonds with stuff but I do get lazy and defer sifting out unneeded stuff until I need the room or I'm re-modeling or something. But as I would read this book, I felt the need to get up and clean something out - like all my old saved letters and cards. Those of you who got some really old letters returned to you, I hope you can pass them on as historical treasures to your offspring. It's not that they didn't mean anything to me, it's that now they need to be returned and not simply destroyed like my closet full of useless cloth scraps. I'm just not going to make that quilt I always thought I would! (I didn't throw away ALL my scrap paper for making beads! but it is whittled down to a manageable size now!)

I'm still only doing special order paper bead necklaces as I take it easy this summer. I hate not being at the People's market and other fairs but I found that the heat really bothers my head and headaches so check out the links to pictures of necklaces I have made and see if there is something you need for all the ladies in your life to make them true RECYCLERS!

   Feb. 2022 my grandparents: Grandpa Fryer at top, then Grandma Fryer followed by Grandpa and Grandma Bowen with their family in the bottom...